Chapter three

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It had been three days since then and you were still debating on wether or not to contact 'Mr. Zak Bagans' eversince you saw the information on your notepad. After running into the man you unconsciously had been thinking about him since you arrived home.

Should I really consider his offer?

What if he's some kind of trafficker??

Nah he looked too straightforward to be one..

But the name..Zak..that was the same man from before right? It's gotta be..

You decided to try to research the guy but no such luck. The only info you find is how old he is, his birthday, full name, his museum and tv show. But nothing to tell you what kind of a person he was, you know NOT on camera. Debating on wether or not you wanted to work with someone like him, the way he acted when you met before was a bit full of himself. But the way he defended you with Simon was kind of him..

Yet I don't want to work with someone like him!

But then I really really need a job!

Maybe I can give it a shot? I atleast have to try my best right?

After giving yourself a pep talk, you decided to ring up Zak. After three rings you hear him over the phone out of breath.

"Hello?" His voice breathy But husky at the same time. You had to process what you were about to say before making a fool of yourself.

"Hello sir, my name is (y/n) (y/l/n) and I'm
Calling to talk to you about a job you spoke to me about before?" Silence is all you hear between you and Zak. He liked hearing you say sir.

"Yes! I wanted to ask you if you were interested in working with me using your podcast." This confused you all the more. He sounded a little nervous when he spoke.

"May I ask how so?"

"Well you see, I have a tv show about ghosts and I've heard your podcast with the ghost stories you've written. I think they are really well done and I'd love it if you would consider working for me and telling ghost stories but with us"

"What does all of this require May i ask?"

"The pay will be good, you would have to travel with us, and as a special you can write up stories of the ghosts we are interacting with then read it to your viewers."

"But I thought this was a house cleaning job." Now you were getting suspicious.

"W-well cleaning my house as a starting job but later in the future I'd like to hire you to tell ghost stories. What do you say?"

"Hmm..I'll clean your house for now and then think about working with your show later on if that's alright" Zak was excited when you agreed to work for him. Even if it was just to clean his house.

"That's fine (y/n) I'll see you tomorrow at 9 am. Don't be late."

"Yes sir. Thank you."

Zak and you hung up, he was curious about your fight with the lady from before.

"What disabilities could she have? She seemed pretty good to me" he then goes and plans on making a mess around his house for you to clean.

-next day-

You arrive in what you believed were appropriate work clothes for cleaning a house. A black slightly baggy shirt, some dark blue jeans that hugged your curves and your combat boots you were proud of.

"I so got this!" You pumped yourself up. You march out of your car and head up towards the gated home of Zak Bagans.

Damn, he sure must love being secretive..

It's Not About The Money {Zak Bagans x PSR}Where stories live. Discover now