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The Four Musketeers, as the day shift managers called the Brits and Alison, were talking about the event of the summer, Sebastian's Hawaiian-themed beach party, discussing last minute things that still needed to be done.

Earlier in the week, Sonny, Bill, Topher and Sebastian had erected a wooden pavilion complete with picnic tables and a space for a large grill as well as a ten-by-ten dance floor. Sonny had run a thick electrical wire to the structure and Sebastian plowed the sand with his wand to bury it so that they'd have ample lighting after the sun set. Topher, Judy and Alison had dug out and built a sandpit fireplace for the evening's bon fire and the girls decorated with Mary's help. Bill and Mary loaned them their volleyball net and erected the smaller net for the boy's badminton set, then placed their large component speakers on the balcony and Alison and Sebastian picked out music from the record albums that she and the Browns owned.

It was shaping up to be a great party and Sebastian was more than pleased.

At the end of the short work day, Alison hopped on the back of Sebastian's bike with excitement and secured her helmet as he watched her reflection in the mirror. When he was certain that she was ready to go, he started up the bike and backed out of the parking space and eased out into traffic, revving the engine excessively at the traffic light and he felt her laugh as her body was unusually snug against his.

When they arrived at the house, he parked the bike and breathed in deeply, mentally going over the things that still needed to be done as she swung her leg over the bike's seat and held on to his arm as her feet hit the ground. She waited nearby as he dismounted the bike and removed his helmet and grinned at her. Since he had his keys out, he unlocked the main door and opened it and she ducked beneath his arm and raced inside.

Alison stopped abruptly and she leaned against the wall and grabbed his hand, pulling him toward her as the door closed behind him. She grabbed at his shirt and pulled him down for a deep kiss, surprising him.

He pulled away holding her at arm's length. "What was that for?"

Her smile faded and she released him and shrugged her shoulders. "GPs," she said and turn toward the stair case.

General purposes, he thought. He reached for her arm and pulled her toward him, his back thudding against the wall harder than he meant. He pulled her into him and lowered his face toward hers and feathered her lips with his. Almost instantly, she felt his wanting and that was when the door to Sonny's apartment swung open.

"Get a room," he grumbled.

"Have one," Sebastian replied breaking the kiss. "But as I recall, you threatened to cut me off..."

"If I caught you with a floozie." He approached them both as Alison hid her face. "Ali isn't that kind of girl. And I trust that you won't hurt her."

"Oh my god, you guys!" Alison broke away and covered her face as she stomped up the stairs.

"So, we have your blessing then," Sebastian asked.


"Thank you."

Sonny nodded. "What are you going to do about Paula?"

"Maybe nothing? Haven't seen her for almost three weeks nor have I made an effort to speak to her. And she hasn't called, so..."

"Does she know about this party?"

"Sonny, everybody knows about this party. And that's why guests are required to have a ticket to gain  admittance and that's also why I've got six really big friendly Marines pulling security."

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