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Topher rested his head on Judy's shoulder during most of their return flight. Visibly upset, Judy remained quiet and barely ate the lovely seafood dinner that the steward gave to her.

Sebastian slept fitfully during the flight, dreaming of Alison...

She was sitting on a chair in the middle of Mario's surrounded by family and friends no less, responding with an exuberant YES to his proposal of marriage. Afterward, they adjourned to his little attic flat and made love all night until the morning's sunrise greeted them.

He woke feeling sick to his stomach, fumbled with the seat belt and jumped up out of his seat and ran toward the lavatory and vomited his meal and drinks; he wasn't able to latch the door until afterward...he barely made it at all. He retched again and stood before the mirror and rinsed off his face and swished his mouth out with the potable water and wretched one more time.

He looked even more pale and tired when he finally exited the the lavatory and Topher's eyes opened and he watched him return to his seat. He flagged down the flight attendant and requested some ginger ale and some crackers and mints. The woman gazed at him and nodded her head sympathetically.

"Alright mate," Topher asked quietly.

Sebastian groaned and shook his head. "I feel like I've walked through hell."

"Sorry mate," Topher replied with honest sympathy.

"And I took you two with me..."

Topher winced and tilted his head. "You're going to be alright in a few days. We all are, I reckon?"

Sebastian had his doubts.

"Gods, I hope he's going to be able to get through this," Judy whispered.

Topher nodded. "He's strong as an ox...he'll be alright in a few days."

"He's already lost so much weight..."

"I know, but Mum will fatten him up again. You'll see."

Sebastian sneered as he snorted, then huffed again and closed his eyes once more.


He sat before Captain Waterstone clothed in his dress uniform awaiting his debriefing.

The Captain entered his office and Sebastian rose and stood at attention.

"As you were, Captain."

"Thank you Sir," he replied taking his seat again.

"I take it that by now you're aware why you've been removed from the accelerated combat training program?"

Sebastian stared ahead. "Yes Sir," he replied stiffly. "Because we engaged the enemy without proper orders."

"You and Massey were issued orders not to engage at all."

"Yes Sir."

"I read the reports and as I understand it, you and Massey were protecting the women and for that reason alone, you aren't being expelled. Massey however..."

Sebastian averted his eyes, then breathed in deeply. His stared st the Captain. "I am the ranking officer out of the two of us and will face whatever punishment you and the directors deem fitting. First Lieutenant Massey was merely following my lead."

"And for that, you and Massey will each receive commendation and an increase in rank and compensation. I understand that you both fought with valor and distinction."


"The fight?"

Sebastian shook his head. "My memories have been modified Sir. I don't remember the fight. Or why we were in the middle of it at all. The entire experience is a complete wash."

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