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The three rounded the house and moved in single file toward the gate. Alison slipped past Sebastian and unlatched the gate and moved toward the fire pit where Paula was questioning their guests with regard to their hosts.

"Looking for us," she asked.

Paula pivoted in the sand and pointed her finger. "Wow! I knew it! I knew you'd be with him..."

"Looks like you found us," Alison replied, ignoring her comment. "Have you eaten yet? There's still plenty," she mused, popping a cold hush puppy into her mouth.

"Don't try to be nice to me," Paula spat.

"I'm always nice to you. Even when you're acting like a complete cunt, am I nice to you."

Sebastian grabbed Paula's arm and pulled her toward the shoreline. "Let's go for a walk..."

"What...you gonna drown me or something?"

Sebastian stared at her. "For God's sake Paula. I want to talk to you in private! Or would you rather embarrass yourself in front of a lot of people?"

He did not wait for a reply, but pulled her further away from his guests and more importantly, from Alison. Topher however remained by her side and handed her a plate, keeping his gaze on his friend.

Sebastian led her toward the bridge, and spoke quietly to her about her behavior. "I can't fathom why you're so insecure! You're bloody brilliant and you're pretty...."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are..."

"I'm fat," she muttered.

"You're curvy. There's a difference."

"I'm not as pretty as Ali..."

"Alison is beautiful because she's a decent human being. Not at all like the complete bitch of a cunt that you've become!"

Paula stopped in her tracks and stared at him.

"Your behavior towards anyone who happens to possess a vagina and even so much as glances in my direction is completely reprehensible!"


"Yes! I mean come on...Judy? She's like a sister to me, not to mention that she's marrying my best mate! I've lost count of the times you've brought that poor girl to tears with your hatefulness!"

Paula remained silent and looked at her docksiders, now filled with sand.

"And then, there's Alison," he said finally.

Paula pointed toward the pavilion. "She steals all my boyfriends!"

"That's not what I heard and that certainly not the case here."

"You came out together! I saw you!"

"You saw Topher and I accompanying her. We live in the same building for Christ's sake!"

"So, you don't like her?"

"No, I do like her...she's a nice girl."

"No I mean, like her..."

Sebastian chuckled. "Ah Yes. Here we go....yes, I like her. To quote the cliche, she's more my type."

"Thought so."

"I liked her the minute I met her. The only reason I went out with you was because I wasn't about to have my future dictated by a bunch of women..."

Paula's face contorted. "What's that supposed to mean!"

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