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Sebastian had long left for work and Alison rolled over and breathed in deeply, lifting her naked body up on her elbows, her eyes looking around the well sunlit room, at the little table for two, the two empty champagne flutes, the single yellow rose in the bud vase as well as the pile of gifts he had received; he'd already hung up the Boris calendar for the upcoming year that she had given him and she laughed and reminded him that he had less than  two months to go for the new year. She smiled and swung her legs over the edge of the mattress and padded toward the bathroom, stepping over their clothing laying haphazardly all over the floor. She splashed water on her face and began her day.

The telephone rang while she was in the bathroom and she stopped mid-stream, cleaned herself up and trotted over to the phone and picked up the receiver. "Hello...?"

"Hey," Lynn said. "I know you're just waking up...ya bum..."

Alison giggled. "Yeah?"

"Do me a favor. Go check on Sonny. I don't like what I saw."

Alison's blood ran cold. "Okay."

"Call me back?"

"Yeah, okay. I will..."

Alison replaced the receiver and hurried to get dressed, picking up Sebastian's clothing along the way and tossing it on the bed. She unlocked the deadbolt and left the door open as she tore down the two flights of stairs. She opened the door to the apartment where she lived and saw the boys watching cartoons with their cereal bowls in hand. They both turned and waved, bidding her good morning and she threw them both a kiss. She walked further into the apartment, toward Mary and Bill's bedroom where she knew Mary would be, getting dressed, or fretting with her hair.

Mary looked up into the mirror. "Hey honey! How was your evening?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

Alison smiled and nodded as she looked away blushing. "It was nice."

Mary nodded and smiled and returned to her hair. She looked up into the mirror and saw Alison looking toward a drawer on the left side of her vanity. "What's wrong then?"

"I just got off the phone with Lynn. Can I have the key to Sonny's door please?"

Mary nodded. "Yeah. Sure honey." Keeping her eyes on Alison's reflection, she opened the drawer and withdrew it quickly; that Mary knew exactly where to feel for it, let Alison know that she had been expecting this.

Alison flattened her hand out and took the small key ring that had seven keys on it: one for each apartment, the front door, the back door, the shed attached to the house, and an ornate skeleton key that looked like it didn't belong there. She felt her eyes flutter and she clearly saw a Victorian house nestled among the backdrop of a slightly wooded mountain. Then, she felt Mary's hands on her arms.

"Hey...are you alright?"

Alison blinked her eyes and felt her brain engage with the present.

"Hang on, I'm gonna go with you."

"The boys..."

"They'll be okay for a few minutes."

Upon leaving the apartment, Mary gave the boys strict instructions to remain where they were unless they had to use the bathroom, and if so, they were to return to their chairs until she, Alison, Daddy, Sebastian, Mister Topher or Miss Judy came for them.

The lips of both boys jutted out and trembled as they promised to comply.

The women descended the stairs and stood before Sonny's door and looked to one another: they had no idea what they'd find. Alison reached up and knocked on the door and listened, then inserted the key into the lock.

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