Jewel's POV Chapter 81 Gut Feelings

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The day at work was slow. I had that talk with Gabriel in the morning. He didn't seem happy, but he was understanding at least. He also had no idea Matt had a twin brother. He was also very surprised to find out I was dating that said brother. I told him everything the doctor said about him potentially waking up at any time, but also that it hasn't happened yet. Gabriel gives me a once over, and he must clearly see I am a mess, because he tells me to go back to the hospital. I thank him, and head back to the hospital before he changes his mind. I don't bother to change I rush off in my pencil skirt. I have things there I can change into.

I stop and grab food on the way. Matt will be so grateful, and if anything is going to wake Daryl from the dead it would be the smell of food. Maybe we can even play some music for him today. As God is my witness, I am going to bring that man back today. I have been quietly doing his books via laptop by night. I worked beside him watching him breath, but that's so the old Jewel to sit and wait. Daryl has been teaching me to take charge and make things happen. Hopefully that can happen today.

Once I get back to the hospital I propose the idea of music to Matt, while we both munch on breakfast sandwiches and work on the accompanying coffee. He actually agrees and gives me a list of some of Abuela's favorites, and I start making a playlist. I have something to look forward to for the first time in days.

As soon as I finish my sandwich I go to work opening the blinds to let the sun in. I turn on music and take a cool wet wash cloth, and use is to wipe his face and arms. Then Matt and I start talking to him like we are just waiting any moment for him to have a response. By noon though I am out of songs on the list and Matt's stomach is growling. Both of us are trying not to be discouraged. It's not very helpful. I log in to Grubhub and place an order. A big one. This girl still has a couple things in her arsenal. I order a bunch of food I know he loves. The bill doesn't look nice, but anything is worth giving a shot.

I reach down and place my hand in his and I feel that little jolt. It's so much more subtle then normally. I look down at his hand maybe he is just twitching a bit, which is also a good sign. I can't help the smile that stretches across my lips.

"You like what you see with me in this bed Angel?" I gasp and my heart stops. I choose to ignore the fact that he called me Angel even though I asked him not to. My eyes leave his potentially twitching hand and I look into his golden flecked hazel eyes. They look tired, but I see him when I look into them.

I smile so large I can help it shouting his name and practically just into bed with him throwing myself into his arms as I shout his name. This instantly draws in Matt's attention, who probably had not heard his weak voice over his own chewing. "I knew hunger would be the thing to wake you if nothing else would."

"It's so good your awake, bro." The nurse then rushes in looking concerned, and sees Daryl awake.

"Oh, thank God." She says with real relief on her face. "The monitors went crazy. It's so good to see you awake Mr. Ortega. I am just going to do a quick assessment if you don't mind, and then call the doctor." She does her assessment checking everything from his grip to his pupil dilation, before quickly exiting the room. She comes back shortly telling us the doctor will be down soon to see Daryl, and then asks us not to make him too weak with too much information or questions. I get the warning! Do not bombard him right now.

I revert my attention back to Daryl. I have been dying for his company, and he at least seems to be himself. "Hey stranger. How are you feeling? Can you move everything?"

"You want to touch me all over and see if I can feel it?" Yep, same old Daryl. I feel myself blushing all over just at the thought. It's been days since I have even thought about it, but now that he has said something I can't help where my thoughts go.

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