New Kid

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I walked into class, late as usual. "Jaylyn, you're late." Mr. Picón said. "No shit Sherlock." I rolled my eyes. I was known as the bad kid. I didn't like doing work or listening. It's not that I was stupid I just didn't want to do anything. I ended up doing it anyway so I didn't get what all the fuss was about. No teacher liked me. I had no friends. Nobody wanted to talk to me because they were scared. I got used to it but, I didn't like it. They were scared of me, for what? Something I did so long ago. Now if anyone new comes around, they tell them not to talk to me, to avoid me. It's stupid so I ignore it. That's why I hate everyone around here. Usually the desk next to me was empty, nobody had the guts to sit near me. But somebody was there. I didn't look at him at all until the teacher said something. "Jaylyn, why don't you introduce yourself to the new student." He said when he came up to me. The class was silent reading so he said it very low. "I'm Jaylyn. Everyone has already told you about me, I assume. I don't really care who you are because we're probably never gonna talk anyway. Now leave me alone." I said. I turned back to my book but Mr. Picón put my book down. "That wasn't very nice now was it? You have detention." He said and handed me a slip. "For what? Introducing myself?" I mumbled. I blew it off because I get detention all the time. Nothing new, just sit in a room with other bad students for 20 minutes after school. I was just surprised he didn't give me lunch detention. Class was boring. After the bell rang, everybody rushed out to their lockers. I stood at mine, watching videos on my phone until the next bell. "Hello. I'm Logan. I think we got off to a bad start." I looked up and saw the new kid. Why is he even trying? I thought. I  didn't even make an effort to talk to him. He walked away with his head hanging down. I kinda felt bad but, the bell rang before I could think about it.

Class was again, boring. I kept catching.... Logan, looking at me. My instinct was to flip him off and, I did. Then came lunch. I paid for it and sat at a table. Alone, as per usual. I put in my earphones and listened to music while eating. People were walking by, looking at me. I flicked my wrist as a way to say, what? They walked quickly away. I kept bumping in to Logan. It was like he was following me. I didn't think much of it because we had all the same classes. He was new and probably didn't know where to go but, it was weird. I've never been this close to anyone before. They all try to stay at least five feet away from me. I didn't say anything about it though.

After school I started to walk to the bus. I skipped detention, just walked out. "Hey, Do you know where the bus stop is?" Logan asked. I sighed and continued walking. "Did you not hear me? Where is the bus stop?" He said. I had my earphones in and pretended I couldn't hear him. I saw the annoyance on his face and it was priceless. I tried my hardest not to laugh. "I know you can hear me. I need to get home." He said. Each time he said something, I ignored him. I realized how annoying people are and that I actually liked not having friends to a point. Talking to people was not my thing. He pulled the earphone out of my ear and said it louder. I balled my fists and saw regret on his face. I calmed and turned to him. "Look. I'm not going to hurt you, stop shaking. I'm going to warn you, if you do this again, I will put my hands on you." I said. I sighed and checked my phone. "Bus comes in ten minutes. It's down the street, I'm going too. Just follow me." I said and started to walk away. I was unusually nice to him. I would normally just punch him and leave. We made it to the bus, got on the same one, and got off at the same place. Lord... he's in my neighborhood. I thought. I walked into my house and rushed to my room.

I moved away from my parents when I turned 14. They abused me and drank, basically making me they way I am now. They made me stop caring about people, I didn't want to listen to adults anymore. My dad was a rapist and did things to me that I regret. I needed to get out of there. The only person I talk to is my roommate. She's 20 and beautiful. I'm kinda jealous of her. Her boyfriend used to be over all the time and their so nice to me. I told them what I was going through and they like to listen but recently, she broke up. She hasn't talked to me since. And I felt alone again. She said hi to me when I walked past but nothing else.

Ohhhhh shitaki mushrooms! I did it. My self concious ass actually wrote this and obviously if you're reading this, I decided to post it.

More Than Friends?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें