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I did nothing over the weekend but sleep. Monday came faster than expected. I was so tired, I almost forgot the poster. I made it to school on time for once. In the class, everyone was next to their partner, waiting to present. When it came our time, I wasn't ready. "We decided to make something to go with our report." Logan said. I unraveled the poster and everything was surprised. He started reading about Brazil, after he was done, I read the poster. Then we had to take questions. "Logan, did you make the poster and write the paper?" Somebody asked. I rolled my eyes. Everyone thought I was a nightmare to work with but nobody has ever worked with me. "No. Jaylyn made the poster, the drawings too." He smiled. I rolled the poster up and put it back in my bag. "Well, you two get extra credit for putting in that extra work." Mr. Picón said. Logan put his hand up, for a high five. I gave him one and watched the rest of the reports.

Jaylyn went to the bathroom before lunch. I found out all of the rumors that were spread about her and now my goal was to help her fix things. "Guys. Come on, we're gonna sit with Jaylyn for lunch." I said. They groaned and whined. "There's nothing wrong with her. Don't be scared, it's not like she's a wild animal." I said. They followed me over to her table. She had earphones in and didn't notice us. "Hey. Seat taken?" I asked. "Who wants to sit near me other than you." She said. My friends seemed scared but I assured them, she would do nothing. "Hi. I'm Jacob." He said. "Yo. I'm Uh..." the other said. "Forget you own name?" She laughed. "Uh no. I'm Kaden." He said. She pulled her earphones out. "Alright. Hey. Not to be rude but, why are you here? You seem like you wanna run." She smiled. "Uh no actually. We want to sit here. Sorry for judging you about rumors. That's pretty stupid." Jacob said. "Well, I was stupid to not try and fix it." She said.

Quick 3rd person

The cafeteria was filled with whispers. Everyone noticed Jaylyn wasn't sitting alone. The table closest heard their conversation. "Those were rumors?" "But Damien said he would never lie." "She actually cried over this?" Everyone was so confused. A few people felt bad for judging. The word spread that Damien lied about her and it made its way to Damien. After the day was over, behind the school, Damien decided to talk to Logan. Once Damien came up to them, his friends ran away but stayed close. They started recording what was happening. "So, you think you can walk into this school and undo everything I've done?" Damien asked. He got real close to Logan. "She left me. I set out to ruin her life and it worked. But you had to come along and keep trying. She even told you to back off." He said. Logan was speechless. "Why would you do this to her? I heard that you cheated, there was a reason she left you. There wasn't a reason for you to hurt her." Logan said. He backed up but Damien continued to get closer. "Hurt her? Her feelings don't matter. But I'm gonna let you know right now, you're gonna get hurt." Damien smiled. He cracked his knuckles but before he did anything, he was pulled back. "Fuck off or I'll hurt you." Jaylyn said. She had snuck up behind him. "What are you gonna do? All I have to do is say that you lied and you'll be back to being hated." He said. She took a deep breath before talking. "Go ahead. I honestly don't care anymore. You've made me hate myself more than others hate me. Nothing you could do could make my situation worse but....You can hurt me all you want, what I won't allow you to do is hurt others because of me. Go spread your lies and leave him out of this." Jaylyn said. "What? You're standing up for your friend? He probably doesn't even like you, you know that. So why do you care." He said. Jaylyn closed her eyes and balled her fists. "I said, Fuck. Off." She said before swinging at him. "Go home." She snarled. Logan was frozen behind them. Damien punched her in the eye, kicked her in the gut, once she was on the ground, he walked away. Logan snapped out of his trance and went to help Jaylyn. He helped her up and went to the bus.

Logan helped me home and I was thankful for it. I felt terrible but I was glad he didn't get hurt. The next day, At lunch, we weren't supervised and somehow, Kaden and Jacob got the projector. "Attention! We found something that might disturb you, but we did this to help a friend. Please watch till the end." Kaden said. It started and showed the back of the school. It showed what happened yesterday. Gasps echoed around the room. I glanced behind me when I saw a hand on my shoulder. The principal was there and asked me to come into her office. She did the same to Kaden, Jacob, Logan, and Damien. "Oh god." I said and followed them out to her office. We walked faster that Damien so he couldn't say anything to us. Once we got there, parents were in the room. My roommate was there because she was considered my guardian.

"Jaylyn, I've gotten everyone here so we can discuss a problem that I have become aware of. I hear that Damien has been spreading rumors about you. Is that correct?" She asked. "No I-" Damien started. "Yes. He's been telling everyone horrible things about me so nobody would like me." I said. "Damien, why would you do that?" She asked. "I....she messed with me and I didn't like it." He said. There was silence for a moment. "She...she broke up with you because you cheated. You decided to tell people things so they would hate her. Now you're trying to act innocent because your parents are here." Logan said. "Now, about this video. I'm going to show this to our parents in the back, then we're going to discuss that." She said. The parents were shocked, asking if we were ok. "Jaylyn, I know you were standing up for your friend, but you should not result in violence. Damien, you know better than to hurt your pears." She shook her head. "Kaden, Jacob, I'm so glad you brought this to me. Damien, you are expelled." She said. He sat up quickly. "What!? All I did was hit her, once!" He exclaimed. The principal was silent, like she wanted us to work it out. "You were going to hurt Logan for no reason! You turned the entire school against me. What do you mean you only hit me once. There have been multiple times you've beat me up in the hallway before school ended." I said. "Damien!" A lady, who I think is his mother, exclaimed. "I'm so sorry to anyone my boy has caused trouble too. We'll be sure to take him out of this school." Who I think is his father said. They left without another word. "Honey are you ok?" Logan's parents asked once we were out. "Yeah. Hold on. Jaylyn are you ok?" He asked. I nodded and hugged him. "Thanks." I said and walked back to Kayla. We went back to class and people started talking to me. I made new friends. Everything was better and without him here, nobody had any reason to mess with me.

Well..........lookie here. I wrote....something. Bye.

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