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My friends and I noticed that Jaylyn looked a bit different. She looked sad. My friends didn't care but I did. After school I didn't notice her. I did see her bag and her journal. "Strange." I said to myself. I picked up her things and walked around to the side of the building. She was there, crying. Just sitting with her knees up to her chest, sobbing. I rushed to her side and touched her. Her head jerked up and I saw her makeup running down her face.

I looked up and saw Logan. He really wasn't going to stop trying. "A-are you ok?" He asked. For the first time I saw someone genuinely worried for me. I didn't say anything. "Jaylyn?" He asked. "Leave me alone." I whispered. I didn't want him to actually. I was glad he didn't. "Tell me what's wrong." He said. He sat next to me. "Why should I? You're just another annoying person." I sniffed. "Please? It looks like you need someone right now." He smiled. I wiped my tears and gave in. "I just....don't like living. I.....hate everything about life." I said. More tears rolled down my face. They were black because of my mascara. "Why? What did life do to you?" He asked. "I- I've felt unwanted since my mom got a new boyfriend. My mom is an alcoholic and is never sober enough to understand anything. My dad would abuse me and use me for....things that I don't want to get into. When I moved out my roommate started to ignore me. Nobody will talk to me because I broke up with a boy and he spread terrible rumors about me. People are scared of me. Because of that, I've stopped giving a crap about everything. I just feel like I should kill myself." I said. "Don't think like that. Everything happens for a reason. Things will get better." He said. "No they won't. I've been mistreated, disrespected, and unwanted since I was four. Do I even need to exist?" I asked. That was a question I've had for so long. "Maybe not but, double chocolate chip cookies don't need to exist but I don't think I can live in a world without them." He said. I laughed a little at that. He made me smile. He pulled me into a hug and I didn't fight it. I felt wanted for once but, great things always have to end. "Don't cry, you're ok." He said. He helped me up and handed me my stuff.

"Tell anyone about this and you're dead." I said in the most threatening tone I could at the time. "Alright. I won't." He said. I smiled. I pushed him so I could get past him. Then I ran to the bus stop. "Hurry up! Your gonna miss the bus!" I shouted. He turned and ran after me. What the fuck did I just do? I thought. Well, I needed that. I needed help. 

I said the last one was cringe......well this tops it. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I"M SO SORRY FOR THE TERRIBLENESS! 

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