Keep Trying

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"My first day of school was interesting. I thought I was gonna die at one point." I said to my brothers. I was waiting for the bus with my brothers, Jake and Lucas. "Why? Did you do something bad?" Jake asked. "Well. There's this girl, nobody talks to her, she's the bad kid and...I decided to get on her bad side. Long story short I thought she was going to punch me but she 'let me off with a warning'." I said. "Oh you mean Jaylyn? She went to my school before. She was so nice until she did something. Nobody remembers what she did but everyone is scared of her. Anyone who dates her, she breaks their hearts. She's terrible and has no friends." Lucas explained. I just thought she needed someone to talk to. Nobody would be like this for no reason, something had to have made her this way. And it was my goal to figure out what. "That's mean. I think something's wrong and she won't tell anyone." I said. "Are you saying she needs someone to talk to?" Jake asked. "Well, yeah. I don't think she's that bad. Just a bit threatening." I smiled. My brothers laughed. "Because your new man. She's never usually this nice to anyone." Jake said. "Good luck with that." Lucas laughed. They got in their bus and I sat alone. The school I went to was for smarter children. My brothers weren't that bright. I noticed Jaylyn come and sit next to me. "Uh. Hi. I'm sorry about yesterday, I really needed to get home." I said. It looked like it took her a lot of willpower to talk. "I. Don't. Care. Please just...leave me alone." She said. I slid closer to her because someone else came and sat down. She audibly sighed. I wondered why she was at the bus stop. It was clear that she walked to school. The school bus came and I went and sat with my friend. "Man. Yesterday, Jaylyn left you alone?" He asked. "Uh. You saw that? Well. Yeah, why?" I asked. "She would normally just smack you and walk away. She actually helped you. That's not normal." He said. I shrugged and popped in my earphones.

At school I went to my first class and pulled out my books. Jaylyn sat beside me and did the same. "Don't get any ideas because I'm being nice to you." She whispered. The first class went by like nothing. So did the second. Then came lunch. I decided to take a risk and sit at the table with Jaylyn. I paid for my lunch and searched for the purple hair. I rushed over to her, hoping to not be seen by my friends. She looked up as I sat down, opposite of her. "Are you lost? Your nerd friends are that way." She said, laughing at her own joke. "Uh no. Is this seat taken?" I asked. For some reason this was terrifying. "What do you want?" She snarled. "Uh. I like you. I just want to sit here." I said, shaking. "Didn't you hear? I break hearts. I'm sure other girls actually have a fuck to give, cause I couldn't give two fucks." She said. She was paying no mind to me. I started to eat. She seemed surprised that I was still here. "Your still trying, huh?" She laughed. "Whatever. If you're that stupid..." she said. I watched as she threw away her tray and left the cafeteria.

"Where were you at lunch? Kaden asked. "Uh. I was sitting with Jaylyn." I said. "You are going to get yourself into a predicament." He said. "Predicament? You really are a nerd." I laughed. "This is serious. You don't like her, do you?" He asked. He seemed a bit jumpy. "I might have the tiniest crush." I smiled. "Logan. Out of all people, her! I don't want to see you heart broken." He whined. I just smiled. "But you're gonna keep trying aren't you." He sighed. "Yep. I'm never gonna give up." I said. I grabbed my bag and went to my next class.

After school I caught her at the bus stop. "Hey!" I said. She looked at me, then back at her phone. "Ok then." I said. I sat next to her, awkwardly, until the bus came. I went into my house and flopped on the couch. "Hunny. How was your day?" My mom asked.

Keep trying, keep trying....don't give up. Never give up. Comment if you know what that's from....

Uhhh...          |Cringe|

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