Decisions and Phone Calls

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"Cristina, I want you to come back."
"Exc- excuse me?" Cristina said confused
"I said I want you to come back."
"Yeah, no, I heard you Bailey. But what do you mean by that?"
"Well obviously you can't just come back and start working here again, but maybe a small visit?" Bailey said sounding hopeful.
"Ahh- um...,"

Cristina didn't know how to respond. Go and risk seeing Owen? Leaving Mary? Taking Mary and risking Owen finding out about her? Yeah... no thanks.

"Mommyyyyy! You passed Babu's!" Mary whined from the backseat.
She looked to her right and saw she did indeed pass the waffle place. She managed to find a way back and drove towards their breakfast.

"Mommy?" The voice came from Bailey. Cristina completely forgot that she was on the phone.
"Oh uhm...," she sighs. Cristina felt like if she could trust one person at Grey- Sloan, it's Bailey. That's why Mary's middle name is Bailey, Mary Bailey Yang. Meredith liked the idea of Bailey having two namesakes, she deserves it. "That's my daughter Mary. You have to promise me you won't tell anyone, especially Owen. He doesn't know about her." Cristina rushed out.

There was an audible gasp on the other line. Silence. And then finally...
"AHHHH! Cristina! You're a mom?!" Bailey can't believe it.
"Shhhhhh!" Cristina prayed that no one heard Bailey.
"Oh oops! Sorry, I just can't believe it."
"Neither can I, at times. She's named after you, you know."
"Really?" Bailey asked in wonder.
"Yeah, Mary Bailey Yang. Mary, short for Miranda and Bailey from, well, Bailey." Cristina chuckled in amusement.
"Awe Cristina. I think I'm going to cry," she says, her voice breaking.
"Oh please don't," all Cristina could hear was Bailey's sniffles, "look, do you want to talk to her?"
"Could I? Oh that would be great."
"Ok, hold on..." Cristina put the phone on speaker so that they could hear each other. "Okay, you're good to go Bailey."

"Hi Mary! My name's..."
Cristina allowed them to have their conversation while she turned off the car and got Mary out. They went into Babu's and ordered waffles to go. Mary got the kiddie sized ones and, as promised, her smoothie. They hop back into the car, everyone buckled and ready to go. At this point it's 7:12 and has 18 minutes to get Mary to school on time. Good thing her school is only 10 minutes from the waffle place.

They pull up the school with five minutes to spare. "Okay M, time to say goodbye to Bailey, we don't want you to be late, do we Bailey?"
"Oh of course not! Just know, now that I know your little secret, I will most definitely be calling more often."
"I expect it. If you could hold on while I drop her off, we could talk about what you initially called me about, yeah?"
Bailey had completely forgotten about asking her to come back. "Yes, yes, of course."

Cristina dropped her off at the front door, gave kisses and said goodbyes for now.

She gets back in the car, "Bailey? You there?"
"Yes. Cristina now you have to come back. I would love to see her and I'm sure Meredith would like to see her in person as well. Wait is Owen the father? Does Mary know of him? Why doesn't Owen know?"
"I would love to come back and visit but, I don't know if I can. And yes, Owen is her father. Mary knows she has a father and I've shown her pictures of him before, but she never seemed too concerned about the topic, so I never brought it up. And Owen doesn't know because my abortion is one of the reasons why we fell off in the first place. My unwillingness to have children. Now I have one and he's the father and I hid it from him. He would never forgive me. Plus, we're half way across the world. Even if he did know, what would we do about the distance?"
A pause
"Bailey? Hello?"
"Cristina you will come and tell Owen about his child, or I will do it myself. He definitely would never forgive you if he had to hear this news from someone else. So your choice Cristina, ruin the relationship you had with Owen or salvage any hope there is of Mary having a father."

Bailey had a good point and Cristina knew it.
She had some thinking to do.

"You're right. I'll- I'll think about it. Call you back when I've decided, okay?"

"Okay Cristina."

"And Bailey, I really do miss you guys."

"I know."

She drove to work and she couldn't focus. She opted to do mainly paperwork today. Light work. All she could think about was how Owen would react. She then thought about Mary, and how she's growing up without knowing her father. The factors left her with only one option, she's going home.

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