Old Relations and New Memories

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Owen's POV
"The ball is in your court"

My court? I didn't even know I was playing this game until about an hour ago.

Mary Yang. Mary... Yang. Mary... Hunt?

I don't know what to do. What is the appropriate way to handle finding out that you have a child? A five year old.

I've missed so much already.

Her first steps. Her first words. Her first day of school. Teaching her to ride a bike.

So many firsts... gone.

I mean, what did Cristina expect me to do? Immediately accept them with open arms? She killed our first child. Broke my heart. Left me.

And yet, she's always going to be the love of my life.

I just- I just need to think about this.

Going to them requires me turning my life around to be a father. Possibly moving to Zurich to be a family. Uprooting my life and moving thousands of miles away from my family and friends.

But there's this one piece of me screaming: She is your family. They are your family. Cristina and Mary. This is what you wanted, to have family with her.

And I know that, I know this is what I wanted.

So, what should I do? How does one go about handling a situation like this?

I'll... talk to Cristina tomorrow, I guess? Yeah. I'll talk to her tomorrow.

I need to go home and get some rest.
Cristina's POV
I walked back to Mary, Meredith, and Bailey who were waiting with expectant faces.

"I let him know that the choice is his. Now it's up to him."
With that I took Mary's hand and walked to the daycare.

I need to get blood on my hands. I need to operate. Anything to distract myself from Owen.

"Hello, I'm Cristina Yang. Apparently I'll be working on your service while I'm in town. Got anything for me?" I asked the head of cardio, Maggie Pierce.

She just stared at me, eyes wide and mouth wider. "THE Cristina Yang?! On my service? I think I'm going to pass out!"

"Please don't." I replied, worried for her sanity.

"I mean, I know we've met before because that's how I got this job. You interviewed me for this position, remember? Ah, when I got that call it was the best day of my life. Since then, working here, it's just been a roller coaster. So many ups and downs and ups again. And so so so much sex. I mean I had to have been with at least t-"

"Stop! Please. I just need to know if you have any patients for me. That's all. I don't need to know about your blooming sex life." I said mortified at where the conversation was going.

"Oh- oh my gosh. I'm so sorry! Yes of course. Sorry I tend to ramble when I'm nervous. Patients! Yes I have Mrs. Heath in room 2309 who is experiencing heart failure and is set to receive a new heart tomorrow."

"Great, thank you." I left before she could talk my ear off. Nice girl, but very talkative.

I walked to room 2309 to introduce myself to Mrs. Heath and came face to face with none other than the infamous Jackson Avery.

"Cristina? I didn't know you were back. Welcome back." He said upon seeing me.

"Avery," I gave him a brief nod. "Are you also on Mrs. Heath's case?" I smiled at her.

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