Arrivals and First Meetings

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Sorry for the wait! School has been stressful lately and wrestling practice has taken up ALL of my time but I hope you like this chapter. Thanks for being patient <3 ;)
"Cristina wake up, we're going to be late!" Meredith yells as she puts on her shoes.

Cristina stirs and places the blanket further on her head to shield her eyes. Suddenly it is ripped off. "Mer," Cristina groans. "Try again," a tiny voice tells her.
"Mary? What are you doing up so early?"
"Umm, the clock says it's 11:47. That's early?"
"11:4– wha- what? Why didn't you wake me earlier?"
"We tried. You were being stubborn and wouldn't get up," Meredith pipes in from the doorway. "But seriously Cristina, we got to go. I'll put the kids in the car. Hurry up."

Cristina scrambles out from under the covers and into the bathroom.
She looks at herself in the mirror.
"You've got this. He's a person. He's not the sun."
Seeing Owen will be hard, but she is willing to form a mutual bond, if he finds out about Mary. If not, she was never here in Seattle, but seeing how that is quite unlikely, she's going to have to suck it up, for Mary.

She gets dressed, brushes her teeth, almost brushed her hair- before realizing what a mistake that would be-, and rushes to the car.

"Ready," Meredith asks. Cristina understanding the double meaning behind the question responds, "Do I have a choice?"
"No, I guess not," she gives her a reassuring smile and takes her hand squeezing it. Cristina smiles back, thankful for her best friend.

Meredith turns around to the four children in the back, "Ready guys?"
"Yeah!" says Mary.
"Yes mama," says Zola
Bailey nods and Ellis was asleep.
"Okay. Off we go."
She looks back to Cristina to see her staring out the window deep in thought.
She starts the car and starts the commute to Grey- Sloan.

Meredith parks her car and looks at her friend one more time. Cristina meets her eyes and they have a quiet conversation with their eyes. Cristina nods as gets out of the car. Meredith takes that as a sign. They get the kids out and head inside.

Mary pulls Cristina back so they fall behind a little. Cristina can see the apprehension in her eyes.
"What's wrong?" Cristina asks.
"What if he doesn't like me mama?"
Cristina looks at her little girl and smiles, "Then he doesn't deserve you."
"What if he doesn't like you mama?"
"Then... well... we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, I guess." She grabbed Mary's hand, "let's find out."
For the first time Cristina was sure that this is the right thing. For the first time, she wasn't scared of the outcome because it's not about her anymore. Motherhood really changed her perspective, she has to think about two people now.
They walk into the building, a wave of déjà vu hits Cristina. They catch Meredith and the kids in the elevator. "All good?" Meredith asks. "Yeah, all good." Cristina says looking at Mary.

The elevator opens. "Finally! It's about time you got here. What took you so lo—, Cristina? Is that really you?"
"Hey Evil-Spawn. Long time no see." Alex and Cristina share a hug.
They move from the elevator to an employee break room across the hall. Alex closes the door behind him and slowly turn around.
Alex looks back and forth between Meredith and Cristina, jaw dropped and confusion evident in his eyes. Then his eyes shift to the little girl holding Cristina's hand. They had the same hair and eyes, he noticed.
"Wha- who- when- how-," Alex stumbles pointing at the little girl.
"Mary Bailey Yang, pleased to meet your acquainence," she stated proudly.
Cristina's eyebrows furrowed, "Do you mean acquaintance?"
"Uhh, yeah yeah, acquaintance." She let out an embarrassed laugh.
"Umm, I'm Alex... Karev. Pleased to meet you too Mary... Yang?" Alex looks at Cristina for some type of clarification.
Cristina huffs, "Alex, this is my daughter Mary. She's five and Owen is her father. All caught up now?"
Alex slowly nods. "O...kay, good to know. How come you didn't tell me?"
"I only told Meredith, you know, in case something happened to me."
"So you're Uncle Alex. I've seen pictures, I expected something... better?" Mary said, eying him.
"Uncle Alex? Wait- what do you mean 'better'? I'm the best Uncle you could ever have."
"You didn't even know about me until two minutes ago," Mary countered.
"And who's fault was that? That's right, not mine." Alex stuck his tongue out at Mary, she mirrored his gesture.
"Guys we don't have time for this, I need to find Bailey. Let her know I'm here." Cristina chimed in before they could start arguing about something else.
"Oh she's in a surgery right now, won't be out for hours I don't think. You should get you some scrubs, put the kids in daycare while you wait."
"That's... actually a really smart idea. You're not as dumb as you look."
"Yeah whatever. Oh and Owen is in the ER, in case you were wondering. But I've got to go. See you guys."
"Bye," Cristina and Meredith respond.
"To the daycare?" Asks Meredith
"Scrubs first, daycare after."
"Sounds like a plan."

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