So thats it?

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A/N: Double update to make up for the inconsistency.
Love you lots -C
I backed up a little as he approached, not wanting to be the first person he saw.

"Hey Bailey, can you take a look at this chart. I need a second opinion." He said, his voice sounding rougher than I remembered.
Bailey quickly glanced at me but he didn't see.
"Yeah, yes of course." Bailey scrolled through the chart and they talked about it for a while.

Meanwhile I just stared at them and Meredith, both of us unsure about what to do.

"Ohhh, okay thanks. I didn't see that earlier." He responded, taking the tablet back from her.

He finally looked up and smiled at Bailey and turned to Meredith and gave a quick nod. He finally looked at me and gave me the same smile and nod before walking back the way he came.

So that's it? That's all I get?

I let out a breath and released Mary's hand. Tears were starting to form in my eyes. I looked at Mer, hoping she saw that question in my eyes. She just shrugged her shoulders and frowned.

I turned around, hoping to see his retreating form. Instead, I made direct eye contact with him. Looking into his icy blue eyes almost made me loose my breath. He slowly walked towards us, his eyes trained on me.

"I-? You-? You-? What? What are you doing here?" He said, his eyes gleaming with confusion and surprise. I couldn't answer, all I could do was smile. He looked down and rubbed his head, eyes meeting Mary's.

Mary naturally grabbed my leg. He head sprung up, eyebrows furrowed deep.

Mary pulled me down. Not breaking eye contact with Owen until I was at face level with her. "Mama, is that my dad?" She asked me looking at him. I only nodded.

She stepped forward and stuck her hand out. "Mary Yang, pleased to meet your acquaintance." She said, making sure to get it right this time.
"Mary... Yang?" He questioned looking at me.
"Yep!" She responded and wrapped her arms around him.
"Uhhh..." Owen looked down at her, then to me, then to her. He gently peeled her hands off of him.
Mary turned around to me, confusion and hurt covering her face. "Do you... you don't..." she started to choke up as tears started to fall from her face. "Dad?" She said to him.
I held my breath, I haven't been able to speak during their entire interaction.
"Dad? Sorry, I think you're confused. I'm not your dad. I can't be." He said that last part looking at me.
At that, Mary burst into tears. "I knew he wouldn't want me mommy! Mommy I knew it!" She screamed out.
I bent down and picked her up to console her. "Shh baby. It's okay. Let me handle this okay?" She nodded into my shoulder. I set her down after I felt her breathing go back to normal.

I looked at Owen.

Owen looked at me.

"Owen, this is Mary" I said grabbing her hand, "she's your daughter." I couldn't afford to beat around the bush here.
"Cristina, that can't be. You've been in Zurich! There's no way she is mine." He said running a hand through his hair, pulling a little.

I pulled him into a nearby room, not wanting to have this conversation out in the open.

"Owen, we had sex before I left, remember?"

"Of course I do. But- but-... I wore a condom. We always wore a condom after we got a divorce."

"Not that time. I remember, because I asked if you had one and you said no but, we did it anyway."

"But that doesn't mean she's mine Cristina. How do I know she's not someone else's child? Someone from Switzerland?"

"Because you were the only one I had sex with during that time. Just weeks after we had had sex I took a pregnancy test that said, 2-3 weeks pregnant. It had only been two weeks since I left Seattle. Owen, there is not doubt in my mind that that little girl out there is your child. Our child."

"But... but, you didn't want kids. Why now? And why didn't you tell me when you found out? Why hide her from me, her father?"

"You're right. I didn't want kids but for some reason, I wanted to keep her. I needed to keep her. And I didn't tell you because I was afraid. I was scared that you would give up your life in Seattle to come to Zurich and be with me, us. I couldn't let you do that to yourself. But, I know now that I was wrong to do that. I should have told you and I didn't. And for that, I am so sorry Owen."

"What if you never came back? Would you have never told me about her? Would you have waited until she was what eighteen, nineteen and she started having questions about me? Would I have ever gotten the chance to be a father? Would you have ever given me that chance?"

At this point, silent tears were streaming down my face. "Owen," my voice was breaking, "I loved- love you. I didn't want you to sacrifice your career for me. Everything you had worked so hard for. You have a hospital to run. I couldn't bring myself to take that away from you. I would have told you, eventually. But none of that matters now. You have the chance to be a father now. There's a little girl out there that needs her father. I did what I thought was best then. I don't regret it one bit. Now, you don't have to talk to me anymore if you choose, but don't do that to Mary. She doesn't deserve to be punished for my mistakes. The ball is in your court. You can choose to stay in her life, my life, our lives, or... you can choose to never be in it."

With that I side stepped him and left the room. Whatever decision he made, I knew Mary and I would be okay. We only needed each other.

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