Apples and Trees

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Mary and I walk through the doors of the hospital elevator and come face to face with none other than the infamous Teddy Altman.

"Yang!" She exclaims with something akin to... fear, etched on her face.

What is she afraid of?

Mary and I step out of the elevator.

"Teddy! What are you doing here? Do you work here again?" I replied with just as much surprise in my voice.
"Uh— I— you—" She stutters through her response, "Owen didn't tell me you were coming." She finally says.
"Oh, well he didn't know so that's not surprising."
"And— and who is this cutie?" She noticed the girl clutching Cristina's hand looked like a replica of her and... Owen?
"This is Mary, my daughter."

Cristina noticed the look of shock on Teddy's face.

"Mama! Can we go see daddy now?" Mary says impatient. She begged Cristina to go the hospital early to see Owen. Cristina didn't expect Teddy to be the first person ran into this morning.

"Daddy?" Teddy asks with nothing but pure terror on her face.

Cristina furrows her eyebrows at this and replies, "Yeah, Owen. Owen Hunt and Mary Hunt." She gestured down to the girl.

Teddy looks like she's about to faint. In fact she starts swaying on her heels. Cristina reaches an arm out to try to steady her, but Teddy retracts her arm before any contact could be made.

"N— n— no. It— it can't— can't be!" She exclaims hysterically.

Cristina watches her old mentor warily. "Are... you okay?"

Teddy looks back to Cristina, tears threatening to spill. She squeezes her eyes shut and allows the tears to fall. Then she places a shaking hand over her mouth and turns and walks away.

"Mommy is she okay?" Mary asks seconds after Teddy turns a corner.

"I... honestly don't know M." Cristina replies, an idea of what caused Teddy's reaction surfacing in her mind. "Let's go find daddy."

"Okay!" Mary says, forgetting all about the blubbering hysterics of Teddy.

They find Owen in one of the on-call rooms, sound asleep.

"Go wake daddy up," I whispered to Mary.

We shared a look as she smiled.

Mary ran to his bed, carefully climbing it as to not wake him up just yet.

Then when she was standing above him, legs on either side of his abdomen, she started jumping up and down and screaming, "Wake Up! Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!"

Owen woke with a start. Sitting so fast that he ended up bumping heads with Mary.

"Oof," She said as she fell off the bed.
"Mary? Mary! Are you okay?" Owen said as he realized what he had done.
Mary being dramatic as always, didn't respond and lied on the floor with her eyes closed. Pretending to be unconscious.

Owen looked at me startled. He got down on his knees and tried to shake the girl awake.

"Oh god! Mary? Mary please wake up honey. Oh god what have I done?" Owen says to himself.

Cristina rolls her eyes from the doorway and walks over to the two, kneeling next to Owen.
She looked Mary over once then glanced to Owen, who looked back with such fear in his eyes. Cristina sighed and placed her hand on Mary's stomach.

Suddenly, Cristina started tickling Mary. Mary tried and failed to hold in her laughter. She started twisting and turning to get away from her mother's hands. Cristina stopped and looked back at Owen who wore an expression of utter bewilderment on his face.

Cristina started laughing and soon Owen was too.
"What just happened?" Owen asks after they calm down.
"Mary tends to be a little dramatic at times." She replied with a shrug of her shoulders.
She stood up followed by Owen and Mary.

"Speaking of dramatics, I had an eventful run in with Teddy," she watched his eyes for some indication that he knew what she was crying about. There wasn't anything at all, however she did notice his eyes dilated slightly when he connected eyes with her.
"Eventful? How so?" He inquires.
"Well, she asked about Mary and I told her that she was our child and then she ran off crying. Do you know what that was all about?" She asked accusingly.

Owen scrunched his eyebrows at her tone. "What are insinuating? To be honest, a couple of months back we gave us a try, but quickly discovered that wouldn't work so we ended things. But after that, nothing happened with us."

Cristina knew it wasn't fair that she was upset that Owen had other relationships while she was gone. That didn't stop her from wondering if Owen still had feelings for Teddy.

"I have no feelings for her. I don't think I ever did." Owen said as if reading her mind.
Cristina gave a tight lipped smile in return.

Cristina looked down to find Mary, not immediately landing her eyes on her, Cristina panicked before she found her lying down in the bed Owen previous occupied.

She turned and smiled down at her. She suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around her and a head rest on her shoulder.

"We did that." Owen said with a hint of amazement in his voice.
"Yeah," was the only response Cristina could muster.

All of a sudden Mary started snoring. Not loud, but loud enough to be startling.

"She gets that from you," Cristina accuses.
"You know what they say about apples and trees," Owen responds.

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