(5) Confusion

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lolol from now on the audios at the top will just be recommendations, but unless i say u should play the song while reading, you shouldn't cos the song is most likely gonna be irrelevant

also i have an actual valid reason for posting this quiznak chapter so late -- my dad has been asking me to go back home after school everyday, which means that he can and will see what I'm doing on my computer. In fact he has done it many times. He disapproves of fanfic with all his heart as long(yeesh) so if he knows that I'm on wattpad, he'll kill me. Especially since I'm not just reading but also writing fanfic. He caught me reading before, and dam idk why I'm still alive (or am I? hmm philosphical thoughts for another day). In fact he has almost caught me typing fics thrice the past few months. So yeah... lately I haven't been able to spend more than 2mins at a time on wattpad. And when I do get the chance? I end up having no inspiration... ._."

Back to the story...

Keith was tired from all the social interactions. Well, he didn't interact much, to be honest, what with all the lessons he had. He didn't mind at all spending time with Matt and Pidge. They were, after all, his best friends. Hunk was nice and didn't really bother him. In fact, it was great that Keith had made a new friend. Lance, however, was a different story.

Keith and Lance had picked just about the same subject combination, except for two. First thing was that their elemental magic was different. Keith was fire, Lance was water/ice. But it was not like they had a choice. Elemental magic was compulsory, they were merely learning different things. The other difference in subjects they had was that Keith had chosen to drop Biology to take Art. This meant that almost all their classes were at the same time, except when Lance was at Biology and Keith was at Art. There were a few differences here and there for other days and other subjects, but a majority of their lessons were spent together.

Just my luck, Keith thought, Lance is annoying as quiznak.

If Keith were to be truthful to himself, he would have admitted that he had no idea why he did not want to be around Lance. Maybe it was his incessant talking. That boy seemed to have something to say about everything. Not like he was arguing with Keith. Not like he was asking Keith to speak up either. Keith would have hated if Lance made him speak up, being the introvert he was. But Keith simply could not understand how Lance seemed to be perfectly comfortable with talking to Keith as if they had always been friends and had not merely met up hours ago. Not to mention the fact that Lance kept flirting.

Yes, that's it. It was probably all the flirting that got to his nerves. First, Lance had kept one calling him "pretty boy". Then, when Keith asked him why he did that, he asked, with a playful grin, "Would you like me to call you 'mullet' instead?", and proceeded to do just that. Despite Keith insisting that his hair was just long, and not a mullet, Lance continued to do so, probably just to annoy him further. Soon after, he got bored of flirting with and teasing Keith, and started and didn't stop flirting with other girls. Keith did not know whether to feel insulted or even more vexed.

"Keith! Lance! Hunk!"

It was Matt, calling out to the trio. Lance and Hunk stopped chatting, or rather, Lance stopped chatting, and looked up.

"Wassup," greeted Lance casually.

"Hey. Do y'all have lunch right now?" he asked. When the three nodded, he broke into a grin, and turned to Lance and Hunk. "Great! You're joining Keith and I, right? We'll be with Pidge as well."

"Sure thing!" the two boys smiled, delighted.


"Oh, hey guys, this is Allura," Pidge introduced. "Allura, you've met Matt and Keith," she continued, "This is Lance and Hunk."

"It's an honour to meet all of you," she smiled politely. Pidge rolled her eyes.

"Don't mind her, she's always too formal for her own good," quipped Pidge. The others laughed good naturedly. No one seemed to notice Keith's sour mood, all of them too busy chatting. Except Matt, who had sent a concerned glance his way. Matt's gaze flickered from Keith to the others, and he gave him a knowing smirk. Keith pretended to ignore him, poking at his food with his fork.

"Girl, are you the square root of two, 'cos you make me think irrational," Lance winked at Allura.

Pidge and Hunk scoffed, used to Lance's antics, while Matt laughed and commented, "Smooth.'

Allura flushed slightly, replying, "I take that as a compliment, Lance, but you're taking things a bit too fast, aren't you?" The air of formality was still around her. Her polite smile seemed to tense with annoyance as she responded to Lance.

Lance's face heated up. Oh man, I messed up. Stupid me, I didn't think of the possibility that she would get pissed, most people either get flustered or just brush it off. His heart raced as he panicked, not sure what to do.

"I- I'm so sorry, I-" he started, then cleared his throat, then continued, "Forgive me for the misunderstanding, I just, um, have a habit of flirting with people I meet. I am so sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright, Lance," Allura let out a small laugh, looking more relaxed, "It was a misunderstanding after all."

They let the incident slide as if it had never happened, and continued with their conversations until their lunch was over.



Keith turned around to see Matt running towards him.

"Hey, Matt. What's up?"

"That's... what I've... been meaning... to... ask... you," he responded, between pants for breath.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Oh come on," his best friend snorted. "Don't pretend you weren't being unusually distant at lunch just now."

"Oh... I dunno, I'm just introverted, you know?" Keith tried to shrug casually.

Matt saw past it. "C'mon, Keith," he implored, "You can tell me what's wrong. I don't think it's jut because you don't like Lance and Hunk."

Keith sighed. "I dunno, really. I guess social interactions do tire me out a lot. Not mention the fact that Lance flirted with everyone..." he mumbled, then immediately regretted his last statement, fearing that Matt would tease him and accuse him of being jealous.

Matt, however, perhaps because he had been sorting out his feelings for Cassidy himself, decided not to be insensitive. "Hey man," he squeezed Keith's hand lightly, "I know you may not want to talk about it right now, but I'm here for you, okay?"

"Yeah... okay,"

Matt smiled and started to walk off, but Keith called out to him. "Matt?"

Matt turned back to face him. "Yeah?"

"Thanks. And... um... I know you're getting confused about your feelings for Cassidy... and I know I'm not that good at these kinda things, but... I just wanna say I'm here for you."

The two boys shared a smile, and through their muddled up thoughts and emotions, it was clear to them that their friendship was definitely something.

Don't ya think my chapters are really short..? Yeesh why can't I write more stuff? Come on brain, just be more creative...

also just saying I forgot to say this but I didn't check to see if I have any errors in this chapter, I'm just uploading this in speed cos my dad wanna use my computer and I'm panicking so ya bye for now

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