7~I Want You, Not Her

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Raman had gone for a walk leaving Ishita and Pihu alone in the hotel and Pihu was laying on her stomach playing game on Ishita's phone while Ishita was in washroom. Suddenly Pihu laughed as if feeling tickles. "No no Shagun mumma, don't tickle me," she said turning on her back. Then she felt tickles on her stomach and laughed and her head was pulled away from the pillow as she laughed uncontrollably. Ishita came out of the washroom and smiled seeing Pihu smile. She was about to go and sit near Pihu when she felt a current and fell unconscious.

Pihu got shocked. "Ishi maa," she said and tried to go to her but her hand was in Shagun's grip. "Shagun mumma leave," she said rudely and fear appeared on her face as she saw Shagun's bloodshot eyes. "You are not good, you are bad, I know the truth now," Pihu said to her trying to make her leave. "I gave birth to you Pihu," Shagun said and Pihu looked on. "You did, but the cells I have are of Ishi maa and papa, then how come you are my mumma? You are Shagun aunty, I hate you."

Pihu finally made her leave and went to Ishita and held her face. "Ishi maa," she said worriedly as she saw Shagun was nearing her. "Ishi maa she's coming, she will take me," Pihu said but Ishita wasn't responding. Raman came inside the room. Pihu sensed his presence. "Papa, Shagun mumma made Ishi ma unconscious, ask her to go," Pihu said cryingly and Raman was shocked to see Shagun. He was scared to face her as she was a ghost now but he had to for his daughter and Ishita. He went to her and tried touching her but he too fell unconscious.

"Papa!" Pihu screamed and looked hatefully at Shagun. She stood up and came to her. "I don't want such a friend who harms me, Ishi ma or papa, I know who's my real mumma and who's not, I don't want you to tell me anything, my Ishi ma and Papa loves me very much unlike you, you scare me alot, you scare Ishi ma and Papa too, I don't want you, go!" Pihu shouted cryingly and again went to Ishita. "Ishi ma please wake up, I don't want Shagun aunty, I want you, you're my mumma, not her."

Shagun disappeared getting angry and just then Ishita and Raman too got conscious. Pihu hugged Ishita. "She's very scary, I don't want her, I want you," Pihu told her bursting into more tears. Raman caressed her hair. "Beta bas, it's nothing, she won't harm you, you're so brave, you made her go, where will be such a brave girl like you?" Raman said trying to cheer her. "Yes, if you wouldn't have been there, we were too scared to face her, it was you who saved us, now you've done such a great work so reward is necessary, right Raman?"

"Yes, why not?" Raman said and picked her taking her to bed. Ishita too sat with them. Raman got out the biggest dairy milk from his pocket and gave it to Pihu wiping her tears. "What papa? What is this? You know I expected a toy, I don't like chocolates," Pihu said faking sadness but then snatched the chocolate from him laughingly. "Lier," Ishita said and Pihu stuck her tongue out at her. "Badmaash," Raman said laughingly. Later at night, the trio were asleep. The loud knock on the door disturbed Ishita's sleep. She got up and tiptoed shivering badly.

She opened the door slowly but found no one. She locked the door again and went and switched on the bedside lamp. To her shock, she saw blood footprints approaching her but suddenly they turned to the bed front. She went further and saw that they had gone towards Pihu. She looked on the bed only to find Pihu missing. "Haww Pihu!" she said worriedly. The door knocked again and she went and opened it and to her shock, it was Shagun. She smiled evilly at her and started leaving, as she turned her back towards her, Ishita saw Pihu clinging on to her back in sleep.

"Haww, no, Pihu!" Ishita shouted and ran behind Shagun and as she approached her, she turned to her and grasped her neck by both hands. Ishita woke up from the horrible nightmare and switched on the bedside lamp. She had a sigh of relief seeing Pihu was there only. She caressed her hair and kissed her forehead. That night she couldn't sleep again as she feared Shagun will take her and she will never return. Next morning, she thought to tell Raman that they should go back from where they came, they weren't safe here either.

Finally they had hired a taxi to go back and when the taxi had entered a lane with loneliness, they noticed Shagun's spooky figure in the middle of the road, she forwarded her hand and through her evil powers, she pushed their car backwards and the car went on going backwards and they all jumped out of the car as it was uncontrollable. The taxi dashed with a tree and stopped. They again sat inside and the driver took a different route, finally they were back home. Another night came, Pihu was sleeping in her own room.

"Pihu," she heard a dry voice call her and she turned on her back looking around. The room of her door opened on it's own with a creak and she saw the same glass doll outside the door, she was standing on her feet smiling at her. Pihu creased her eyebrows as she rose in the air and started to float away. She got off the bed and followed the doll which was going downstairs. She tiptoed downstairs following her quietly and soon the doll landed on floor laying like a lifeless dead body.

Pihu smiled and went towards the doll and picked it. "Pihu baby," she heard a familiar voice call her and she looked in front to see who's calling. She saw it was Shagun, firstly she passed a smile at her but then she came to Pihu faster and faster.

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