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Goldkit's tail swayed behind him as he crouched into an attacking position. "I'm Echostar, the brace leader of ThunderClan!" He announced, proudly lifting his head.
Shadowkit hissed playfully. "I'm Greenstar, the ferocious leader of RiverClan!" She announced strongly.
"Greenstar, how dare your warriors hunt on ThunderClan's territory!" Goldkit hissed.
Echostar's loud new sounded above the kits play fighting. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey, please gather beneath Highrock for a Clan meeting." A swarm of all different cats began to trail towards the Highrock. Echostar gazed proudly at Shadowkit and Goldkit. "Today," she began. "Two kits have reached their sixth Moon," she announced. "Goldkit, you show great signs of being a strong young warrior, and so, Palestripe, the trusted deputy, and your mother, will mentor you." She announced. "Do you promise to learn the ways of StarClan?" she asked.
Goldkit nodded excitedly. "I do!" He squeaked.
Echostar smiled. "Then from now, until you receive your warrior name, you will be know as Goldpaw, may StarClan light your path."
Chants arose from the huddle of cats. "Goldkit! Goldkit!"
Echostar hushed the Clan with the flick of her grey tail. "Shadowkit," she began again. "You have proved that it doesn't matter that you were born outside of the Clan, and now, do you promise to train under the eyes of StarClan?" she asked.
Shadowkit smiled, lost for words. "Yes! Of course!"
Echostar nodded. "I have thought long and hard about who your mentor will be," she stated. "Enzoclaw. You were trained by Aidanheart respectively, will you teach Shadowkit all you have learned from him?" she asked, her gaze flicking to the brown and cream warrior.
Enzoclaw nodded his head, turning back to face Shadowkit. "Then, Shadowkit, from this moment onwards,  until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Shadowpaw." she said.
More chants arose. "Shadowpaw! Shadowpaw!"
Shadowpaw could just make out Enzoclaw's slender shape moving towards her. He bent down and pressed his nose against Shadowpaw's. "I look forward to training you." he stated over the sound of the other cats.

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