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Nightpaw's tail bristled in frustration. As if he could drag Enzoclaw anywhere! "I did nothing to him!" he insisted.
"That's not what I saw." Palestripe's voice was distraught as if she had seen a badger.
"We'll sit vigil for Enzoclaw, then we'll decide what will happen with Nightpaw." Echostar's voice was calm and level, as always, but it was clear that she was struggling to deal with the loss of a close warrior.
"We should give him the same fate as Enzoclaw!" Palestripe hissed.
Aidanheart gazed deeply into Nightpaw's eyes, knowing what had happened from Nightpaw's posture and the wild look in his eyes. "But then we'd be just as bad, and is that what Enzoclaw would have wanted?" he pointed out.
Echostar nodded. "Let's return to camp." She turned around and began to walked back into the forest, trailed by the group of cats.
Aidanheart slowed down his fast pace to fall into step with Nightpaw. "I believe you, Nightpaw," he whispered, making sure Palestripe couldn't hear.
Nightpaw looked up. "Why would t you support Palestripe? You have the most reason to," he asked.
Aidanheart shook his head. "Never," he stated, his voice chilling Nightpaw to the bone.


Uneasy glances came at all directions to Nightpaw. Why was his Clan so angry with him?
Envyclaw sat down beside Nightpaw silently. "I wonder who will mentor Shadowpaw." He thought aloud.
Nightpaw jumped as he gazed steadily at his mentor. "Why are you talking to me? Don't you believe I killed Enzoclaw?" He questioned, completely avoiding what Envyclaw had said.
Envyclaw shook his head. "Echostar was talking to Icepaw and Palestripe, Icepaw said she saw what happened as well, but you and Enzoclaw were training together and he lost his footing." The small tom answered.
Nightpaw lowered his head. "And Echostar believed her?"
"Yes;I would."
A new surge of confidence swept all of Nightpaw's doubts away. "I think it'll be Whitetail, she's a good hunter and Shadowpaw is already great at fighting." He finally answered the dark brown tom.
"Yes, but Hawktalon has been itching to do something with the new apprentices as soon as they began their training." Envyclaw pointed out. "Maybe it'd be best for him to train Shadowpaw."
"But," Nightpaw began. "Hawktalon is ambitious and has a lot of energy, that could make it hard for Shadowpaw to keep up with his strong training."
Envyclaw gazed at Echostar from across the clearing as she leaped up to the top of the highrock in a single push of her strong hind legs and mewed the words of calling to the cats.
"I guess we'll find out now." Envyclaw stood up and began to walk over to the crowding cats.
Nightpaw stayed where he was, afraid that he'd be judged by the whole of ThunderClan.
Nightpaw couldn't hear most of what Echostar had said, but with the sympathetic glances that came from all directions made him know what was said. He edged closer, hoping that he'd be able to hear now.
"Aidanheart, with Keithpaw's training nearly finished, do you think you could take on Shadowpaw as well?" Echostar asked.
The huffed tom nodded his large head and gazed deeply at Shadowpaw.
"This Clan meeting is over." She flicked her tail and jumped down from the Highrock.
Nightpaw watched as Aidanheart strode over to Shadowpaw and pressed his nose against hers, murmuring a few soft words.
Nightpaw stood up and turned away, walking towards Icepaw sub-consciously. As he flopped down beside the she-cat, he licked down the ruffled fur on his neck.
Icepaw looked up from the mouse she was eating. "Aren't you going to eat something?" She asked.
"Not hungry." Nightpaw replied gruffly.
Icepaw stood up and licked her paw. "I'm going to sleep." She stated, walking into the apprentice den.
"Me too." Nightpaw stood up and followed her in. He curled up in his nest, drifting away into a black dream.

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