1. Chocolate

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You were going to buy some groceries for dinner and some chocolate as a late night snack.   

it was 7 PM and you finally arrived home. You opened your door to a silent, small but colorful apartment.  You never disliked it was just lonely sometimes. Putting the groceries in the kitchen you started to think about a world where everything was not lonely and you would not get tormented by college and the awful people there. You had one person in your life... sorry had. Taehyung. he was your boyfriend for a really long time but he cheated on you with your best friend at the time. I know cliche huh? best friend and the boyfriend. it took me a while to get over it but I'm starting to be happy again. Happy but still lonely... 

I was thinking so much I forgot I was gonna make food until my tummy growling brought me back to reality. I made some bulgogi, and forgot everything while eating. While I was putting the dishes in the dishwasher I got a text. 'BroJerk 1 message(es)' it said. I looked at the message and it said: 'i know you stole my new sweater when you were here!!' I sighed. He always accused me of stealing his stuff. suck a jerk!

sitting on the couch it was 9.30 pm and I decided to watch a horror movie. I don't usually like those but hey. maybe I'll like this one... You never know. I walked over to the kitchen to grab my chocolate. But it was not there... WHAT?? I can't go without my daily chocolate!!

I grabbed my bag with my wallet, phone, beauty product etc in it and walked to the store. 'How can I be so stupid?' I asked myself multiple times. like really??? I had 5 more minutes to go when I heard something. "help..." I heard. I was looking around to see where the sound came from... it came from the abandoned house. I gulped. hard. "Help me!" I heard again. I was like f*ck it I'm going in to help.


I hope everyone likes this beginning :)

Back in time.//BTS ff//Jimin ffHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin