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she was sitting across from me, her (e/c) eyes scanning the food before her. The way she brushed off food before her for a simple apple. I was questioning her job as royalty. the happiness she had before she was dragged by her mother. she prefers simple foods over super saturated foods. "you dislike being royalty?" I ask as Ja'far enters the room. 

she looks up at me, her eyes on mine. yet I could tell she was still holding back something. "no, I love being who I am..." she gave an awkward tone to her answer. making me suspect that she preferred to have friends and possibly family help her out. her smile, faded when she finished her apple. her (e/c) eyes scan my features as if looking for answers. 

"you two must be getting along," Ja'far caught her off guard, making her (h/c) hair swirl when she looked over at him. "you have Visitors, ma'am..." he said to her before she nodded grabbing a couple fruits. she pretty much ran out the door making me question him. 

"it appears it is her sister, and a few others from her kingdom. from what i heard her kingdom was invaded and the children and a few adults got away before then..." Ja'far said with a bow. "and they keep talking about the 'black man' with red eyes..." I looked at him confused, 

"judar?"I asked, feeling all but happy to hear that. I walk down to the entrance to see her giggling and playing with the children. her eyes meet mine just as the children squealed and hugged to her. several female kids and a few male ones. her face was pressed into the head of one in particular. tears were streaming down her cheeks when i looked at the side of her face facing us. 


I smile upon seeing the kids before me. and among them I saw my sister, her grey eyes meet mine as i exit the building of the castle. She swayed as her smile widened, Aladin exited the building with me and smiled at me as I rushed to hug the kids before me. My smile wide as the kids all rush to me. they all meet me with a hug one that clearly means they missed me. My sister smiling as she is the first one to hug me. it was something I missed more than anything. the feelings of love and care. the feelings of happiness i felt was gone. and yet all i wanted to do was play with the kids and protect them. the parents of the kids all except for our mother rush to find the kids crying in my arms. after playing with the kids and being worn out by the fun I had My sister hugged me in tears. "mother is gone..." I sigh knowing that is the drop in my gut... the feeling of being free. something I miss yet I feel tied down. I smile when she is asleep. her head in my lap. as we sit calmly on the roof. 

"there you are..." I heard Aladin say making me look over my shoulder, "your rukh seems to spread amongst the others when you show your true self." he smiled and sat beside me, "and it is almost like you give your all to make sure those kids are happy even if you suffer..." he shook his head his blue eyes shine when he smiles. "you know you make me question a lot. your rukh seem to shine bright when you give your all..."

I smile looking at my sister, her (h/c) hair a different shade than mine but just as beautiful as always. "yea but it still doesnt make out my true intentions when it comes to them..." I watch as people cheer and laugh as Sinbad announces a party. 

"what are your true intentions?" Aladin askes making me look over surprised. 

"to have the world be rid of the darkness so the people of this world can live prosperous." I said looking out to the ocean beyond. Aladin smiled at me, making me turn my head away. 

"your rukh show me that your true intentions are exactly what you'd die for if it comes down to it..." Aladin smiles as my sister's eyes open. "what is with all the noise?..." she sits up and rubs her eyes. 

"just a party for the return of three of his generals." I smile at the tired princess. 

"A party?!" she was awake immediately. her Grey eyes brightening as she dragged me off the roof. I laugh when She dragged me to the foot of the celebration. her eyes shining happily when she took a seat by alibaba, who was waving at us from the far table. I sigh and sit beside her. 

"princess! I see you have made a friend..." he was smiling his usual smile which I giggled to, "this is my Sister, kagume..." 

"shisu is also my protector!" I sigh when she said that, embarrassment brushing across my cheeks. 

"yea?" Sinbad's voice made me jump and look to the cause of the shadow behind me, "how so, little one?"

"she used to protect me from the mean men of the kou..." she grabbed my arm tightly as Sinbad sat beside me, "are you gonna take her mister?"

"I did make a contract with her mother..." he smiled grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it causing me to blush a dark red. 

"but MADRE is dead!" She yelled tightening her grip on my arm. I gasp and flinch at the grip on my hand also tightened. I sigh feeling his eyes on me asking me what to do.... they both had done it... "why do you insist on taking my purotekuta!!!" 

Sinbad's face changed as i was yanked in his direction and brought into a kiss. I gasp slightly and tried to resist only to lean in. he pulls back and looks at my sister with a questioning look, "isn't it obvious that you cant always lean on her to take away your pain?" I watch as my sister glared at the king enviously. her grey eyes turn cold and dull as she stood up and marched off. she seems to know what I would choose. 

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