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Jimins head that was resting on his hand eventually gave way as he slipped and met the hard wooden desk causing the teacher to look in his direction.

"jimin i suggest you pay attention calculus is vital for your upcoming tests," he spoke, however jimin scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"are you giving me attitude park?" jimin once again scoffed and ran his fingers through his hair causing the girls to quietly squeal.

"right i've had enough, stand outside with your arms up and don't even think about dropping them to your side!" and although jimin walked out, he decided to head straight for the bathroom instead where he found a familiar mint haired boy, quietly washing his hands. He snaked his strong arms around his tiny waist and kissed the back of his neck.

"EW GET OFF ME PUMPKIN FUCKER," yoongi squealed shoving jimin off.

"oh come on, you know you like it," he smirked in response, i mean yoongi did like it but who would confess that?

"no! i don't now leave me alone fucker," the small boy spoke drying his hands.

"it's daddy to you baby boy," he winked.

"HOLY SHIT," a voice was heard from one of the cubicals and eventually the door slammed open causing jimin to flinch and out came another beautiful male with blonde hair and gorgeous features.

"so this is the roommate am i right yoongles?" yoon nodded in response to the other boy.

"nice to meet you jimin i'm taehyung!" he outstreched his hand for him to shake in which jimin hesitantly did.

"yoongi talks about you non stop y'know, but my question is why would he fall for a boy that fucks everyone and leaves them?" yoongi hit taehyungs stomach and gave him a death glare.

"i-i mean- o-h, bLABBER MOUTH UH," the bell suddenly rang perfect timing for taehyung to make his escape.

"WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT WE GOTTA GO UH HAVE FUN BYE," and with that taehyung grabbed yoongis hand and sprinted off, causing jimin to stand there awfully confused.

Taehyung and yoongi eventually made it to their table with namjoon and jungkook.

"why the angry face yoon?" namjoon questioned as taehyung bit his lip in guilt.

"nothing don't worry about it," yoongi brushed it off, he knew tae didn't do it deliberately.

"jungkookie why are you so cute when you eat!" taehyung pinched his cheeks as the younger blushed.

while tae was admiring jungkook he looked over to see jimin with a girl on his lap, surrounded by all his jock 'friends'. It somehow made the poor boy upset as he secretly liked him but he knew he could never ever have a chance with someone that doesn't know how to love. Namjoon noticed yoon was daydreaming and waved a hand to catch his attention. He showed the boy his phone.

"Hoseoks having another party, this is your chance to go!" usually the boy stayed away from stuff like that, but maybe it might be a good way to unwind.

"i'm down and so is kookie!" tae spoke.

"uh sure," a tremble in his voice made namjoon frown.

"i mean i hope i'm not forcing you," namjoon was so caring, no wonder jin fell for him.

"ah no!! i wanna go! i'm gonna be a big boy," and that's when taehyung freaked out.

"WE HAVE TWO WHOLESOME CUTIES RIGHT HERE  OH MY GOSH I CANT HANDL-" namjoon covered his mouth to muffle anymore words, what wasn't helping was that almost everyone including jimin was staring. yoongi buried his face into his sweater paws and giggled.

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