drunken taste

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It was 9:30pm and luckily for yoongi he didn't have classes the next day. The mint haired boy stared in the mirror as he admired what he was wearing, a oversized red hoodie with black skinny jeans. He applied only a tiny bit of lip gloss and powder to soften his already angelic skin. The door suddenly slammed open and shut and a loud groan emitted from the living room. Yoongi made his way downstairs to find jimin sprawled out across the couch with his bag half way across the room. The boy chuckled.

"where've you been?" yoongi questioned, it was nearly ten and he just got back?

"mr choi kept me to do some stupid revision, i know i'm gonna fail that class whats even the point," the male groaned once more.

"i-if you want i could tutor y-you," yoongi played with the hem of his hoodie trying not to make eye contact as he was deeply embarresed.

"sure seems cool i guess," jimin sat up and looked him up and down.

"you're looking rather cute hm? are you going anywhere?" yoongi quickly snapped out of it and remembered who he was talking with.

"none of your business," he stuck his tongue out.

"you should put that tongue back in your mouth or put it to good use at least baby,"

"oh would you look at that, i've got to go!" yoongi tapped his wrist.

"bye fucker have fun with all your millions of girlfriends," he said whilst leaving the dorm.

"YOONGI OH MY GOD GET DOWN YOUR GONNA BREAK SOMETHING AND IT QUITE POSSIBLY COULD BE YOUR BONES!" hoseok shouted at the boy dancing on the bar counter, however the music was so loud yoongi was unable to hear hoseok and kept dancing and singing.

"yOUU KNOW THE RULESS AND SO DO I," he screamed with his drink high in the air.

Hoseok eventually gave up and squeezed his way through hundreds of people to the other side of the dance floor where namjoon and jin where.

"please help, it's been like four hours i think he needs his rest now," hobi spoke panting as it was humid.

"but he seems to be enjoying himself man," namjoon replied.

"i cant imagine what his hangover may feel like when he wakes up, this isn't fair on him," the rest of the boys on the other hand could handle alcohol a million times better than yoongi could.

"fine i've called jimin already," namjoon gave in.

"jimin? why jimin?" hoseok questioned.

"his roommate duh,"

"oh shut up your joking me,"

namjoon shook his head.

"the boys gonna have to learn how to control those feelings of his before he gets his heart broken," hoseok responded and noticed that jimin came at the perfect moment.

Jimin looked up at the small boy and after a few songs that came on that were supposedly his 'favourite' he managed to get him down safely and carried him to the car.

"jimin-ah why is it so hot in this car?" yoongi hiccuped.

"i don't know baby," jimin responded strapping the boy in.

"because you're in it silly!!" jimin laughed and kissed his forehead as he jumped into the drivers seat.

"you missed!!" yoongi spoke.

"what baby?"

"my lips are here!" he said tapping them.

"are you sure?" jimin asked.

Jimin leaned in placing his lips on the boy, yoon's lips were soft and sweet much like candy.

"nooo i want moreee!!" he pouted.

"needy hm?"

"yes daddy!" jimin choked on air as he didn't expect him to say that.

"wait until we get home babyboy,"

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