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    I'm sorry aakskskskak
  I know,you all hate me because it has literally been 2 weeks!!! I don't have an excuse,i'm just very sorry. pls forgive 🙏🏻

But this chapter is long,about 3200 words. i will try to update again as soon as i can!

media is saeyeon,someone you will meet this chapter ;)


It had been 3 days since Jisoo's carnival day with Jennie. Some moments kept Jisoo awake at night. She didn't understand why she was so nervous over some girl.

"Jisoo? Are you listening?"
With Minseo's voice,Jisoo involuntarily ripped herself away from her thoughts.

They were there,sitting at their usual booth at the diner. Just like last time but there was one difference. Instead of waiting for her boyfriend,Jisoo was waiting for Jennie to come in. Chanwoo was already sitting next to her at the window side. Minseo and her boyfriend Kyungwan were sitting in front of them. Jisoo hadn't been too engaged in their conversation.

"Huh?" She said,with a lost expression.

Minseo rolled her eyes. "We're thinking about going camping together. On Friday."

"All four of us?" Jisoo asked,her head turning to her boyfriend with expectation.

"Sorry babe,I can't make it. You have fun though." He said and kissed Jisoo's head. Jisoo smiled and if someone looked very closely,they would realize it was a sad smile but nobody paid that attention.

"It's going to be so much fun!" Minseo squealed and wrapped her arms around Kyungwan's neck. Jisoo looked at Chanwoo,wondering if their relationship would be this perfect.

'It's already perfect. We're perfect.'

Jisoo's heart skipped a beat with the bell ringing above the diner's door. She quickly turned her head and a big smile formed on her face. This time,it wasn't sad.

She quickly hopped off the booth and skipped to Jennie's direction.

"Jisoo! Where in the hell are you going?" Jisoo could hear Chanwoo's voice at the back. She yelled back a quick 'I'll be back' and turned her attention back to Jennie.

Jisoo totally jumped Jennie,making the girl squirm in shock. Jennie turned her head back and amusement replaced her surprised expression.

"Oh my god,you scared the hell out of me." Jennie sighed,laughing between her deep breaths.

Jisoo faked a gasp and covered her mouth. "That's a bad word."

Jennie rolled her eyes and chuckled. Her eyes trailed behind Jisoo. Her smile got smaller. "I don't want to steal you from your friends."

Jisoo turned her head back to look at them even though she knew who Jennie was talking about,then turned back at Jennie. "You should sit with us." She said.

"Oh- no. I don't think they'd want a stranger to just sit with them." Jennie said,shaking her hand in front of her face.

Jisoo grabbed Jennie's hand in the air.

"You're not a stranger,you're my friend." She said and softly dragged Jennie towards the table. Jennie was silent,looking at their hands.

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