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Okay. Well, Loli is over.

And I'm not happy about it.

We got into an argument last night because I opened my big ass mouth and said stupid ass shit. I hate myself. But I love him.

Yes, he broke up with me. No, he's not a bad guy. It was a good reason if that reason was the truth. I guess it was just hard to witness. He claims he loves me and he will for a "long while" but will he really? Will he forget me in a heartbeat? I want him back because I miss him already, but is it the right choice? Is he really worth it?

Yes. He is. He's everything I want in more. I love him to death. I'd die for him, steal for him, cry for him.
I love him.
Now, I say "I love you" to almost everyone. It just means I more than like them.
But for Oliver, it's different.
The I love you's aren't ones to forget so easily. They're the ones I'll cherish forever.

I just want the best for him. For him to have a good future, and I don't know if that'll happen with me in the way. He's willing to give it a second chance, but will it even turn out?

Well, my friend, I'm still turning out. I have no idea what my sexuality is, who my real friends are, I struggle with self-confidence, I'm a handful.
I appreciate Oliver putting up with me. Even if it was for 1 or 2 weeks. I'm hard to put up with.

I just hope that if Loli gets a second chance, it'll be better than before.

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