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Today, 12/27/18, Oli made a proposal.

No, not an offer of marriage, if for some reason you think that is what I meant.

He came out & talked to me after a whole freaking 2 and 1/2 months. I'm not mad. Just kind of disappointed after this long. Like I said: 2 and 1/2 long dreadful months. 

Okay, that sounds overdramatic, so here's the truth. 

For the past 2 & 1/2 months, I've thought about him. A lot. It was hard to believe we barely lasted. 

He asked if I wanted to give "us" a freaking third chance. Truth is, I'm scared. I'm scared that its gonna be like the last two. He says he'll keep a promise and make this chance count, but will it really?

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