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[Song goes with this chapter I guess? Also, WOW THAT WAS FAST-]

America had put up little cameras in his brothers home, to watch him, and study what he liked, what he disliked, and his favorites.

He watched him whenever he had the time, and felt himself grew more and more disgusted as he watched his former friend come over to his brother's house, again... And again.
Alfred had subconsciously reached for his gun, until he realized- Prussia was a dead country, and if the personification died, then all memories of him would die too, right?

So Alfred knew what he had to do. He had to kill his former friend, Prussia, AKA Gilbert Beilschmidt. And now, he just had to figure out which way to do so.

A quick stab to the heart? Decapitation? Maybe the syringe full of air between the toes trick? It was all inside of Alfred's head. He spent some time thinking about it, unbeknownst that his alien friend, Tony had been watching.

Tony was pretty sure behavior like this was unnatural. He had seen Belarus once or twice, and oh boy, the girl was pretty ok when she wasn't obsessing over her big brother. Which was, unfortunately, rare.

Tony knew, that if it got any worse, he'd tell Japan, so that if it got to the point where he was close to borderline murder anyone, the world would be quickly informed.
But, to Tony's watching eye, he only saw an obsession, and not a heart corrupted complete with want, and need for a single person. Distorted from it's happy self, and turned into a charred nightmare.

But, Tony didn't know, now did he?

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