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Ever since, Alfred and Natalia had gotten along fairly well. They planned murders, and how to get away with them. Now, everything was set into place, they could rid themselves of the competition and finally be happy.


Alfred was sneaking in on his first and most hated target; Prussia.
One of the few Alfred could stab until there was nothing left and still not be satisfied. They had been friends, and even in a trio, until Prussia went after Canada, and Denmark went off to spend more time with Norway.

Alfred never cared much for Denmark, but it made all of his blood boil to see Prussia. His face was just so punchable.
He was just so killable....it made his insides tingle.

It was the perfect timing too, it was Halloween, so he could get away with it. Alfred knew his people were good at murder, it was mainly because they were as crazy as he was. And vice versa.

Sneaking into Prussia's home was difficult, with Germany living there. Alfred had to sneak past quite a few dogs, and unfortunately had to kill one.

Creeping into the Prussians bedroom, Alfred quietly pulled out a syringe. He filled it with air, and ever so awkwardly, stuck it between Prussia's toes, waiting until Alfred was sure the man was dead. Looking at the man's dead face brought a weird sort of pleasure to the American.

That night, he crept back to his home, feeling, more satisfied then he ever had before. Alfred felt like he waa closer to marrying Matthew, if he got rid of his rivals, then maybe, they'd rule the world together.


The next morning, an emergency meeting was scheduled.

"I've called you all here, because something.... Unfortunate has happened," By the sound and shakiness of Germany's voice, he seemed ready to cry, and just break down at any minute.

"Prussia, after many years, died in his sleep yesterday."

The words brought an on sought of emotions.

Some nations let out tears of pain, some simply stared. France broke out in tears, and Spain hugged him tight.

Canada tried to hold inside the scream of pain  he wanted to release, and failed miserably.

America pretended to be distraught, and covered his mouth.

Soon, the pretending nation thought, very soon.

Belarus looked over, and gave a quiet nod.

America did the same. He nodded, and pretended, that he was sad too.

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