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Of course, a meeting, it was required, especially for personifications. Since they usually couldn't get stuff done, and that everyone had a grudge over something.
Be it something that happened last week or a century ago, there was always a few grudges.

Alfred had one, maybe two, or three...

Gilbert- no, Prussia now, for stealing his brother.

Cuba for calling him a bastard, and making his brother feel like crap.

And maybe Russia? He was unsure, but one misplaced hair on his brothers head and he goes on the list.

Of course, he saw Russia's sister, Belarus, as a potential ally. He could get her as a ally, help her get Russia, and she'd help him with his Big Brother.

If she saw what he meant, and decided to come to talk about their possible alliance, then they could rid themselves of rivals, and get their beloved big brothers. It'd be a win win, and Alfred was sure she'd understand.

He simply pretended to be an idiot, and did everything just the same. He sighed inwardly. Maybe I'll find something Matthew had dropped?, He had thought and decided to watch for anything of his beloveds.

Alfred had already taken quite a few things for his shrine. Like, a bottle of Maple Syrup, which he decided to wait and use it when he and his brother were together. One of his brothers hockey sticks, Alfred traced over the worn wooden groves occasionally. One of his brothers old toothbrushes, he loved the feeling of the bristles on his teeth.

Alas, it was not enough, well, not as much as having Matthew with him, when they were together, he'd finally be satisfied.

Alfred snapped himself out of his thoughts, only to find his was drooling a bit, and that he was alone save for Belarus.
"Ah, sorry, I was thinking."
He gave a slight smile before his face went blank, his default, and only real expression when not thinking of his brother.

"It is fine. You wanted to discuss something about our big brothers, yes?"

The platinum blonde sat down across from Alfred, who merely nodded as he sat up straight.

"I know you are head over heels for your Big Brother, and I cannot blame you, for I am in love with my big brother too. I wish to propose an alliance."

"......" Natalia seemed to be thinking over what Alfred had said, and looked at the nation up and down.

"I did not think you of all people were like me, but what is in this alliance?"

"I propose that we help eachother get our brothers attention. And if someone attempts to take grabs, we strike, and eliminate our competitors, so we can both get our happy ending."

"Hmmm..." Natalia thought to herself, If he really is speaking the truth, it would be good to have someone on my side, and telling me if I have any rivals.
"I will comply, but you betray me, I will kill...Canada was it? I am unsure, but I will kill them."

"Likewise Natalia, I will do the same if you betray me."

"Let us seal our deal with a blood oath."

And so, the two crazy-for-love nations sealed the deal, by slicing the palm our their hand, and shaking on it.

The end result of this oath would not be very pretty, in fact, it would get quite ugly.

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