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Also, FIRST UPDATE OF 2019!!!
*guilty of super short chapter* WOAAAAAAHHH-}

America had met with someone who was also just like him. Belarus and himself were rather surprised that someone like herself was obsessed with their older brother.

It was Lichtenstein, the girl whose entire county and military were controlled by her older brother.
However, she was the true mastermind behind it all.
And of course, she had a slight-total and unhealthy-obsession with Switzerland.

She fit right in with Belarus and America, since they all had plans to get what they want.

"I suggest we all help and warn each other... so we can all get the happy ending we deserve. We should form a group, like the Magic Trio, or what once was the Bad Touch Trio...." Erika said quietly, and Natalia nodded.

"I agree, they could suspect me,because my known behavior, but they will not suspect you two, since you two are not known for our level of love..."
Natalia seemed to trail off in order to think about the decision.

"It sounds like a good idea. Do we need a name or something of the sort?"

"Hmm.... How about..."

"The Extreme Lovers Trio?" Erika suggested, and the others smirked.

"All in favor of new name?"



They were all smiling, then began giggling. And soon that giggling became insane laughter.

Watch out world. You've got a big storm coming. And it's not just a rain storm.

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