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After a while, America realized he had many more targets.

*It will be difficult to dispose of them all, and keep hidden.*
The love obsessed nation thought.

*especially since my citizens show resent to those countries, and reflect my behavior a bit.*

Alfred thought for a bit, and then giggled.

He had Hollywood, which had some damn good actors, and he was amazing at make up too.

Acting on improv had made amazing movies, and so Alfred could do it too.
Expect this wasn't a movie, it was murder.
Terrible, destructive, bloody murder, which he oh so craved!

Alfred walked to his tiny apartment, and unlocked the door, breathing in the smoke air around him.
After unlocking the door, he traveled to his shrine, after making sure he closed the blinds, locked his door, absolutely sure that he wouldn't want anyone to see or hear what he was going to do or say.

Alfred walked to a room covered by posters and signs, for games, movies and miscellaneous typical American things.

He checked the room over for camera's, and peeled back an Infinity War poster, and pulled out a key.
He walked to another poster, and peeled it back to reveal a door, and unlocked it.

Alfred walked inside, to reveal his rather large shrine for his older brother. He smiled coyly, and sighed dreamily at the picture he had taken when Matthew was not looking.


Matthew was still extremely upset about....Gilbert's death.
He had taken to guzzling bottles of maple syrup to fill the hole in his heart.

He had loved Gilbert, and now they couldn't make pancakes together, annoy Ludwig from time to time, or anything else they did together...

Matthew could only wonder, why, why had Gilbert just, died like that?

Gilbert had been strong in his past, and although his country no longer existed, he was still kinda hard to beat in a physical fight, and his body wasn't all that weak.

The Canadian was rather sure, that dying in your sleep was *not* normal if you were healthy.

Matthew began to get suspicious, tomorrow, he'd ask questions, if no-one noticed as usual, he'd snoop around and get the answers himself.

He would not, could not, and should not stand down if anyone else that he knew-not even that much- suddenly just died for no reason!

It was wrong, and he had no clue if he could be killed next, in fact thinking about Gilbert's dearh, made Matthew extremely paranoid.

It, unsettled him to sugarcoat it. Extremely.

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