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Macy's pov-

After ordering a pizza, Pat and I devoured it before going to bed in the living room. Now here we are, me waking up to Pat yelling and Pat mad at me for my alarm.

"Macy, you better wake the fuck up and turn that alarm off before my ears fall off!"

"I'll key your cars," he threatens.

I turn my alarm off and glare at him. "Have fun trying. If you do then you're pretty boy look won't' be so pretty anymore," I growl at him.

He gulps. "That's what I thought. Let's get ready for school, my mom would be pissed if I were late on my first day. Who knows, maybe next time she'll send me to a boarding school overseas," I say as I roll my eyes. Pat heads back to his room as I head to mine. Once I get there, I head to my closet. After brushing my hair and doing simple makeup, I grab a dark orange crop top and some black high waisted jeans that have rips in them. After putting those on, I add my black doc martens and grab my black backpack.

I headed downstairs and see Pat eating some cereal. I take the box of cereal and pour some into my mouth. "Let's go," I say when Pat gets done eating. I decided to take my bike and Pat takes his. We put our helmets on and we drive out of the house's driveway and off into the road. As we're driving, we stop at a red light, perfectly lined up. I smirk as I look towards him.

We nod simultaneously and face back forward. My eyes stay locked on the light until it turns green, and when it does, boy, I'm off. I speed forward and weave in between a few cars, trying to distance myself from Pat. I drift into the school parking lot, leaving Pat behind in the dust. I park where there are no other cars and wait a few more seconds before Pat comes rolling in, already knowing that he lost.

Pat gets off first, followed by me. " What kept you up? It took you a while to get here," I say smirking as Pat's face grows annoyed.

"I'm not the one that's a professional racer," he retorts, coming up with an excuse. "You could've done a lot better."

"Yes, but, last time I checked, you are the one who was taught by the said professional racer. And I didn't need to do better since I was racing such an amateur. " He rolls his eyes before we start heading towards the front of the school. I can practically hear the desperate calls from girls as we walk through the hallways trying to find the office. Pat is known to be a pretty boy. With his golden locks and honey eyes, it makes almost any girl fall for him. Almost any girl; I seem to be immune to his charm.

We finally find the office and we give our names to the secretary. She looks at us in slight fear before turning to get us our stuff. I guess the word is getting around that I've moved. After a few boring minutes, we get our schedules and locker numbers. I have English first period, Art, and Music before lunch. After lunch, it's calculus and then PE before a free period. I share PE and lunch with Pat.

We make our way to our lockers, which are pretty close to each other. I put everything away before grabbing the necessary supplies for my classes. I wave bye to Pat, walking towards my first class.

I put my headphones on before walking to class. I show up late and when I walk through the door, I can tell that my teacher already hates me. "Students, this is our new student. Go take a seat."

With a blank face, I head towards the back and sit in one of the many vacant seats. I don't pay attention to the class, as I already know what we're learning about. The door slams open but I just ignore it. And, let me tell you, I had no problem ignoring everyone and everything until Bailey's grumpy ass came in and stood in front of me.

"You're in my seat."

"Well, it's not yours anymore," I challenge him.

"Move, now."

"Over my dead body," I growl back.

We have a staring contest before the teacher speaks up. "Bailey, take a seat next to our new student," I smirk as he complies. I put my headphones back in and turn up the volume, easily falling back into my trance of ignoring people.

I feel eyes on the side of my face and turn to see Bailey glaring at me. I give him a dead look. They really have no clue who they're messing with.

I survive the rest of my periods before lunch. None of my teachers made me introduce myself, which I was happy for. I texted Pat and we met up at the beginning of our lunch period. We were walking on our way to the cafeteria when Pat was complaining about how boring all of his classes were. And then he started bragging about how many girls dropped pieces of paper on his desk with their number on it. I swear Pat can be as smart as Einstein when it comes to gang work but then when he's at school, it's like he becomes an embodiment of a rock.

We finally made it to the cafeteria and right as we open the doors, we hear a loud commotion of noise coming from our front, making the attention of everybody turn to us. We both sigh and lean our heads back before looking at each other with a knowing face. We turn right back around and right out of the cafeteria doors, rolling our eyes. We know exactly who's here. "I thought you said that he was coming after school."

"That's what I thought."

Word count- 1001

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