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The Lion Sleeps Tonight by The Tokens

Macy's pov-

I crack my eyes open as I hear an alarm go off. I swing my hand over and smack the side of the bedside table until it lands on my phone. I try to hit the snooze button but it just won't go off. I opened my eyes all the way and saw that my phone's alarm wasn't going off.

My brows furrowed in confusion before My eyes widened in realization. The fucking fire alarm is going off!

I leaped out of bed and ran down the stairs as fast as I could, throwing my phone back on my bed in the process. I know exactly who's in the kitchen when I get down to the first floor.

Do you know why?

Because the only thing that I can smell is the smell of burning fucking cookies.

I walk into the kitchen to see Justin standing on the counter with a bottle of Febreeze in his hand as he is looking at the floor as if he is searching for something. "Justin?! What the hell," I yell at him from the doorway of the kitchen.

"There's a spider, Macy. A fucking spider who is coming to suck my soul out of me. It's going to kill me, Macy."

"Holy fucking shit," I say and run up to climb onto the counter. Out of all the things I can be afraid of, it's spiders. They're little deadly monsters. I reach up and turn off the fire alarm before Justin comes over to me and somewhat whisper yells into my ear.

"Okay, so the plan is, you hop on down and smash the spider with a spatula," he says as he hands me a spatula.

I look at him like he is crazy. "Hell to the no, dude. You're fucking crazy."

He stares at me then back at the floor. After a few minutes, he turns back to me. "So just to make sure we're on the same page-"

"Same page?! We're not even in the same library," I yell, cutting him off.

"Well, fine. I guess we're just going to stay up here 'till someone gets up," he huffs and sits down, getting comfortable.

"Move forward," I mumble as I walk across the counter, making my way to the fridge. Just because I am trapped here doesn't mean that I am going to starve. It's like five in the morning and nobody will be awake until eight at the earliest.

I reach over the floor and somehow manage to get the fridge open. I grab the first thing that I see is a cake. Not just any cake but a giant cake. I carefully pull it out and set it on the counter with a thud, my tongue stuck out of my mouth in concentration.

Justin turns around to me and a look of pain washed over his features for a moment before he speaks. "I was going to eat that whole thing while watching the new season of Stranger Things later today."

"Well, there will be no later today if we starve to death, now will there," I said. I hear Justin mumble a fine before pulling the cake across the counter to him. I tried to reach out to grab forks but couldn't reach.

"Fuck the forks," I grumble as I crawl to Justin, who has already opened the cake. He raises an eyebrow at me as I just shrug and grab a handful of the cake with my hands. I take a bite and Justin smiles as he does the same.

We sit there eating cake for, like, an hour and a half. Most of the cake is gone now and we're lying down on our stomachs, picking pieces of it here and there. I see Justin start to turn around to lay on his back and he moves a little bit too far to the side and plants his head right in the rest of the cake.

I burst out laughing and Justin just lays there in defeat before he starts to laugh as well. I laugh so hard that tears start to come out and as I start to wipe them away, Justin swiftly grabs a piece of cake and throws it, hitting me directly in the face. I gape at Justin as his eyes widen and he covers his mouth trying to hold back his laughter.

We start throwing cake at each other until there's nothing left. And I mean nothing left. The cake was spread everywhere. On the floor, on the counter, on the table, on us. Justin and I have continued laying down, just like before. It's almost eight when I start to get bored again.

I move so that I am near the edge of the counter, laying on my back, with one arm hanging off of the counter. I start to sing the intro of The Lion Sleeps Tonight as Justin joins in.

We start doing a full-on vocal performance, switching off on who is doing the background music and who is singing the words. I close my eyes as we continue going on and on. We sing the same song over and over again.

I pull my head up as I think that I heard the front door open and we pause our miraculous singing, but no sound comes from the front rooms. Justin and I look at each other before shrugging and closing our eyes again.

We start singing the song over from the beginning. We sing loudly this time, trying to wake somebody up. As I say loudly, I mean we are literally screaming our hearts out. It is now around ten. We have been up here for five fucking hours. Hours. Not minutes. HOURS.

I don't even have my phone and I'm stuck with Justin, who, by the way, caused this whole mess. Speaking of the Incident, it still smells like burnt cookies and chocolate cake.

I hear doors open and footsteps come from upstairs and the living room up front.

"What the hell are you two doing?"

Word count-1011

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