Part 1 "Venomous Bite"

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Venom was wide awake while Eddie was asleep. Venom was getting hungry and he never really gets to just do what he wants since Eddie always try to convince and or take back controll of his body. Venom quietly formed around Eddie and made sure he can't hear anything. Venom lets out a hiss of excitement and relief that he can finally do what he wants without any interruptions from Eddie.

Venom makes his way to the window  and opens it he sees it is still dark out 'Perfect for hiding amongst the shadows... Time to find some midnight snacks' Venom thought menacingly with his long tounge swaying slightly out his mouth. Venom launched himself out the window and scaled many building tops ge stoped above a place giving off alarms that hurt his hearing slightly since it was far away. Venom snarled seeing 3 men take bags into a car they wore complete black outfits and had guns with them.

Venom waited for the perfect moment to strike the 3 untill he noticed one of them shout and run after someone who witnessed what they did. Venom watched as the other 2 men went in the car and fleed leaving their 1 friend chasing the Person. Venom wanted to go after the 2 men in the car cause that ment more food but the moment he turned to look at the man chasing the Person he took one last glance and headed for what he wanted to do.

Vennus was the person being chased by this man in black he kept screaming for her to stop but she didn't want to do that knowing the man would kill her for seeing them rob a store at night with hardly anyone on the streets but them and her. Vennus was afraid for her life she ran into a dark alley way but it led to a dead end, her heart beating fast at the sight and realisation that she trapped herself as she turned around she saw the man stalk his way closer to her, she took steps back realising she could not really defend herself from this man who had a blade in his hand.

Vennus had tears go down her face feeling like this was the end for her. "Man:Hello there sweet cheeks where do you think your going?" Vennus shook her head vigorously indicating that she didn't want any harm done to herself. Vennus then had wide eyes and a small gasp leave her mouth as she saw something she did not wish to see.

Venom crawled down the building and into the alley way standing behind the man with a weapon. Venom noticed the woman spot him and stare at him with wide eyes of terror. Venom lifted a finger infront of his mouth with his tounge slowly coming out his semi open jaw full of rows of daggering teeth showing her to stay quite. Venom let out a low growl making his presence know, he grabbed the mans shoulders when the man turned around. Venom laughed in his face menacingly "Venom:Looks like your my first snack." Venom opened his mouth letting his long tounge lick the mans cheek and forehead.The man made a look of disgust having Venoms saliva on his cheek and forehead "Man:Ahhhhhh!!" Venom couldn't toy with his meal for long he was very hungry he growled opening his mouth wide and brought it down onto the screaming man taking his head off with the sound of a crunch, as soon as Venom tasted the mans blood he just started devouring the entire headless corpse.

Vennus couldn't believe her eyes she was frozen in place she was beginning to wonder this is just a nightmare and none of this is real. Once she saw the creature eating the man infront of her, she took steps back accidentally knocking a metal object with her foot making it role slightly back. Venom heard the metal pole rolling on the ground. Venom completely forgot that the woman was infront of him witnessing him eat the man. Venom looked up at the woman showing his teeth in a grin watching her trip and crawl backwards away from him. Venom decided to have some fun and scare this woman infront of him, he crawled towards her leaving the mans body behind. Vennus ended up with her back against the wall she wanted to get up and run but the creature was already infront of her with some of himself towering over her body.

Venom wondered if she was good or bad "Venom:Are you a good or bad human?" Venom licked blood off her cheek that wasn't hers but the man he was busy eating. Venom watched her shiver in fear it brought Venom a terrifying smile of pleasure seeing her fear him. Venom´s patience is wearing thin with her not speaking he asked her one last time "Venom:If you won't speak I'll make you apart of my starter plate, now are you a good human or a bad human" Venom teased himself with tasting her skin, he licked her other cheek with a growl. Vennus had trouble finding words but she managed to speak "Vennus:A-a-a Good o-o-one"

Venom grinned at her with his rows of teeth making it look like she was going to be eaten but then turned around grabbing the rest of the mans corpse and dragged it climbing up the building leaving the terrified woman be. Venom stayed in the roof top quickly devouring the mans corpse. Vennus let out a shaky breath then stood up looking in the direction that she hears the crunching of bones. Vennus chose to ignore it and quickly get home before that creature changes its mind.

(to be continued)

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