Part 2 "Black Skin White Eyes"

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Vennus quickly made her way into her apartment she slammed her door shut petrified about what just happened. Vennus rested her back against the door sliding down and holding her knees to her chest hiding her face as she silently sobbed her heart out of what she had witnessed.

Vennus couldn't believe what she just saw it looked so unreal to her but it was real, she was scared that thing was going to eat her next since it licked her with its long menacing tounge. Vennus got up and ran around her apartment and shut all the windows giving a sigh of relief she just decided that it would be best to not say anything and just try and sleep off what happened.

Venom loved the look on that womans terrified face yet he was surprised she didn't scream. Venom felt Eddie stiring awake from his slumber so Venom had to make it back to the apartment before Eddie woke up. Venom made it to the window of the apartment and went inside but before he knew it Eddie woke up. Eddie shot awake when seeing his vision was a bit blurring in the shape of Venoms eyes "Eddie:Venom..." Venom grunted at himself just feeling the anger boil in Eddie "Venom: Sleep well?" Venom morphs out of his form revealing Eddie.

Vennus woke up feeling hungry thats why she was out, she wanted to get something to eat but then that whole monster eating head thing happened. Vennus wanted to go out again but was afraid that 'thing' was going to eat her like it did with the man chasing her but she was curious as to why it didn't kill her. Vennus got up out of bed and made her way out her apartment. Vennus decided to find something at mis chen's store there might be something for her to eat there.

Eddie walked into mis chens store "Mis Chen:Eddie you look awful. Did you try meditating?" Eddie shrugged "Eddie:I tried it didn't work." Eddie walks off deeper into the store looking for something to buy like a drink because he is still pissed off at Venom for what he has done 'Venom:you can't stay mad at me forever Eddie and you know it.' Venom said in Eddie's head. Eddie sighed when looking at the different drinks "Eddie:Atleast I can ignore you." Eddie grabs a can of beer and just as he turned around he walked into someone and she fell off her feet landing on the floor. Venom chuckled 'Venom:Maybe you should watch where your going Eddie'

Vennus accidentally walked into a guy when she looked at the floor not paying attention to where she was walking. Vennus looked up seeing a man who she found kinda handsome "Eddie:I'm so sorry ma'am are you okay? I didn't see you." Vennus puts on half a smile then stood up rejecting his hand to pull her up. "Vennus:I am alright I'm just a bit shaky that's all and I should be the one saying sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." Eddie felt slightly upset when she rejected his hand to help her up.

Venom instantly recognised the woman it was the same one he saved earlier well more like scarring her to death , Venom chuckles at his flash back of her reaction. "Eddie:I feel like I've seen you before... Have we met? I'm Eddie, Eddie Brock" Vennus watched as he held his hand out in a greeting. Vennus had the sudden realisation that this man was a very old friend back in the day when she was a kid. Vennus gasped taking 2 steps away from Eddie having a shocked yet happy expression on her face almost instantly forgetting about what happened earlier with the 2 and a half metre tall black monster eating a man infront of her.

Vennus could see the confusion on Eddies face as he dropped his hand to his side "Vennus:Eddie... No way is it really you??" Venom was more confused then Eddie was mentally they look at eachother then at her. "Vennus: No you don't recognise me? It's me Vennus." Eddie grew in sudden shock knowing its his oldest friend back when he was little.

Venom was now even more confused at what the hell was happening 'Venom:For the love of heads what is going on Eddie speak to me!' Eddie ignored Venom flat and focussed on Vennus "Eddie:Holy crap... Vennus no way this can't be you , little Vee Vee is it really you?!" Vennus nodded immediately after him saying her nickname "Vennus:Yes it is me Vee Vee your best friend when we were little." Eddie hugged Vennus out of excitement and joy that he found his long lost friend "Eddie:It's so good to see you Vennus its been too long since I last saw you. How have you been?" Vennus hugged back "Vennus:I've had better days, it's good to see you to Eddie."

Venom growled in Eddie's head 'Venom:Eddie speak to me...' Vennus saw Eddie zone out and she waved her hand infront of his face "Vennus:Hello earth to Eddie?" Eddie snapped back to reality "Eddie:Oh uh sorry I zone out a lot I have a parasite in my head." Eddie smiles at Vennus but also to himself knowing that it's Venom´s trigger word 'Venom:A what?!' Vennus shook her head with her eyes shut giggling at Eddie. Venom made a black tendril form out of Eddie's chest and slapped him on the cheek then made the tendril vanish into Eddies body.

Eddie was stunned that Venom timed that so perfectly so that Vennus didn't see it. Vennus needed to get home since she found a pie she could eat tonight. Vennus looked at Eddie with longing and sadness "Vennus:Listen Eddie I uh have to go I'll see you some other time, heres my number" Vennus takes a pen out of a pocket in her tight jeans and writes the number down on Eddie's. Venom laughs mentally in Eddie's head 'Venom: HA all these female humans just want a piece of you these days I'm quite surprised since your not actually counted attractive in the male department for them alot of females look at you in disgust when we walk down the streets.' Eddie took much offence in what Venom said about him, watching Vennus leave with a smile brought a warm feeling in his heart "Eddie:Oh ye or maybe your just jealous that I actually get the attention when you don't because your f*cking ugly." Venom was now triggered he made Eddie's upper body move forward and hit his forehead hard on a metal stand drawing some blood. Eddie made a grunt of pain with a moan that followed 'Venom: Call me Ugly again I dare you.'

Vennus was about to leave the building but a man came through with a gun pointing at her. Vennus took steps back as the man got closer he pointed it at miss chen "Man:Open up the cash register now! And give me all the Money!" Vennus wanted to fight back but with what? all she had was a pen. Vennus grew in fear as the man pulled her closer and then slammed his forehead against hers knocking her unconscious. When Eddie heard the man he went to investigate only to be seeing him knock Vennus unconscious seeing her body fall to the ground set him off. Into a bonfire of anger.'Venom:Bad guy right?' "Eddie:Yep." Venom crawled around Eddie's body feeling the anger boiling off of him that was a sign that Venom was having seconds for tonight. The man grew in horror and fear as he saw Venom for the first time. Venom layed his massive clawed hand onto the mans shoulder engulfing it because of Venom´s massive size being atleast 2 and a half metres tall maybe more with a bulky figure of pure muscle, his white eyes looking straight at the mans eyes sending shivers down his spine.

Venom grinned with his sharp rows of teeth "Venom:You come in here again... In fact you go anywhere in this city preying on innocent people then we will find you and We will eat both your arms and both of your legs and then we will eat your face right off your head do you understand?" The man trembles under Venom´s grasp "Venom:Yes? So you'll be this armless... Legless, faceless thing won't you? Rolling down the street... Like a turd in the wind. Do you feel me?" "Man:What the hell are you?" Venom revealed half of Eddie's face "Venom:We are Venom." "Man:Please..." The man tremble again "Venom:On second thought..." Venom opened his mouth and ate the man whole. After Venom´s delighted meal he let Eddie out and crawled back into his skin.

Eddie was releaved that Venom ate the thief quickly. Eddie crouched down and picked up Vennus and left the shop leaving mis chen speechless.
'Venom:Hmm that was tasty.' Vennus was still unconscious when everything happened' "Eddie:Looks like I have explaining tomorrow."

(to be continued)

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