Part 4 "Chocolate Freak"

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Eddie took Vennus's plate with his and went to the sink and placed the plates in hot water 'Venom:I'm surprised she's been silent' "Eddie:Vennus why are you so silent I was expecting... We were expecting you to ask thousands of questions." Vennus wanted to say something but was stuttered for words untill it finally camr out "Vennus:I-I think I should get back home... Thank you for BreakFast and all you two have done for me." Vennus got up and made her way to the door.

Venom didn't want her to leave 'Venom:She can't leave!' "Eddie:Venom don't-" Vennus stopped and looked at Eddie. Venom took control of Eddie morphing himself around him and went infront of the door keeping Vennus from leaving. Vennus got caught by Venom seeing tendrils form out his body and around her holding her right against him "Venom: Please stay... Don't go." 'Eddie:V she has to go don't force her to stay.' Venom picked up on Eddie's sadness and Venom felt the same way. Venom made his tendrils unhook around Vennus, he stepped aside and let Eddie out. "Eddie:I apologize for Venom's actions he just doesn't want you to leave like I do" Vennus smiled "Vennus: hmm isent that sweet of you two both of you are actually enjoying my company here even though I'm lost for words for questions right now hehe" Vennus scratched the back of her neck feeling slightly awkward right now.

Eddie was thinking for a moment till he was interrupted 'Venom:Didn't you want her to stay here with us?' Vennus opened the door and headed out but looked back at Eddie with a smile "Vennus:Goodbye Eddie and Venom I'll see you around" Eddie stopped her before she went any further "Eddie:Hey uhhh this is probably not the best time to ask but ummm I notice your having money problems and uhh I-We were wondering if you would be okay staying here with us untill you get back on your feet properly." "Vennus:I'll have to think about it Eddie thank you for the offer"

Eddie nods and watches Vennus leave with a wave and he waves back 'Venom:If I still had controll I would of not let her leave, she's pretty and smells nice aswell' Eddie went inside with a sigh "Eddie:You can't just keep someone by your side because their pretty or smell nice they need their space aswell Venom" 'Venom:The way I see it we can do whatever we want' "Eddie:Yes that is kinda true but their are rules to be followed" Venom growled morphing out of Eddie's back "Venom:Curse you and your rules!" Venom and Eddie looked into eachothers eyes in disappointment "Venom:Arggg fine we'll play by your rules..." Venom stops facing Eddie and just rests his head on Eddie's shoulder.

Vennus got to her apartment it was literally 1 block away from Eddie's which she was happy and not happy about. Vennus looked around in her apartment seeing only blanlets and torn up pillows infront of a broken screen TV. Vennus sighed in comfort she made her way to her bed room and looked at her messed up bed. Vennus really needed a better place to stay she can't keep eating take aways and pies made in stores and since Eddie offered maybe it wouldn't hurt to stay there a little while but she is afraid of that thing called Venom that... Possesses him...

Vennus checked her drawers for any spare money she found a few bucks enough for a milky chocolate bar at the sweetness store. Vennus left her place with the money she feels like a chocolate for now since quite a lot happened. Vennus made her way to the store it was a little distance away but hey a little cardio never hurt anybody. Vennus entered the store and all of a sudden confetti burst above her with tiny horn sounds that followed "Sweetness Guy: Congratulations 100th customer you win 1 free full bag of any Sweets in the store" Vennus was dumb struck she had not idea what was happening "Vennus:What.. I..." Vennus felt 1 big plastic bag shoved in her chest she grabbed them then was shoved into an isle that had the best looking type of sweets she has ever seen. Vennus shrugged then just started grabbing all kinds of sweets from black lickerish to halloween candy you name it she got loads! Vennus had the bag full of all kinds of sweets hell she even took a milky chocolate bar with cookie bits in it she has never had one of those before so she it pretty excited even without the sugar rush she is about to have when she gets her hands on all the sweets.

Vennus left the store and made her way to her apartment but she noticed that she was right by Eddie's apartment so she figured why not give him the sweets. Vennus made it to Eddie's door she hesitated but then knocked hoping he is still home. Eddie turned off the tv and looked at the door "Eddie:Friendly?" 'Venom:It's nibble!' Eddie gave Venom the -_- face then went to open the door. Vennus was very unsure of returning to Eddie after what happened but she had too much different types of chocolates from winning the 100th customer award.

Eddie opened the door seeing Vennus with a smile on her face and holding a bag of... 'Eddie:Oh no...' Venom could just smell the sweetness 'Venom:Oh yesssss!' Vennus held the bag towards Eddie "Vennus:Uhh I won something but I have no use for all these chocolates so here you go." Eddie felt Venom form a head and rest on his shoulder "Venom:Hi Nibble~" Vennus felt uncomfortable when Venom appeared and called her nibble "Vennus:Uhhh..." Eddie rolled his eyes facepalming "Eddie:Forgive Venom he is trying to give you a nickname and I told him Nibble is weird" Venom got defensive and looked at Eddie angrily "Venom:It's a cute nickname!" Vennus felt awkward and held back a laughter.

Venom faces Vennus and made tendrils form and pull Vennus inside then he closed the door. Venom made sniffing noises all the way to the bag untill he dug his face inside the bag searching it "Vennus:Sooo when did you 2 get together?" "Eddie:It's a long story-" "Venom:Eddie!!! Vee Vee brought all kinds of chocolates... Ooo what's this one? But I want to try this one wait no maybe this one... I can't decide!!!" Eddie laughs while Vennus giggles "Vennus:Hey you like chocolates? That's a bit odd for a creature that eats people." Eddie continues to laugh but Venom pulls his head out the packet and what she sees is kinda cute. Venom looks super happy with 5 different chocolate bars in his mouth and his tounge holds one aswell Vennus begins to laugh and Eddie chuckles shaking his head "Eddie:Sometimes Venom you act weird when your around chocolate heheheh" Venom looked at Eddie "Venom:I can't help it Eddie..." Vennus giggled and let Venom take the bag of chocolates. "Vennus:Your the first chocolate freak I've met." Venom dropped the chocolates in the bag and put it on the couch coffee counter "Venom:We are not a chocolate freak..." "Vennus:Yes you are."

(to be continued)

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