Part 6 "Sweet Symbiote"

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Eddie and Vennus have fallen asleep together on the couch but Venom was still awake and getting really really hungry. Vennus stirred awake as she felt herself being moved she opened her eyes and saw Venom form around Eddie as he was still asleep, she noticed black tendrils gently wrap around her and slowly motioned her to a lie down position but she felt stopped to a sudden halt she looked up and saw Venom with his surprised look as if he was doing something naughty and had just been caught. "Vennus:Heh what are you doing?" Venom notices her little grin at him "Venom:sneaking out to go eat." Vennus lost her grin and suddenly had an awkward feeling hit her "Vennus:Are you going to eat P-People?" Venom nodded yes giving her a small lick on the cheek "Venom:Yes..." Venom noticed she had no fear of him licking her "Venom:We must go we'll be back later" Venom made his way to the window untill he felt 2 hands hold onto his arm "Vennus:Can I come with... I-I don't want to be alone" Venom turned his head to face her "Venom:We guess you can but we're leaving you on a roof we don't want you to see what we would possibly do to the bad guys." Vennus laughed a bit as Venom made tendrils grab her and hold her against his chest. Venom looks down at Vennus who was smiling up at him "Venom:Ready?" Vennus nodded at Venom who just leaped out the window without warning and started to swing from building to building.

Vennus had her eyes closed and held tightly onto Venom untill she felt herself gently put down ontop of a roof. Venom put Vennus down on the roof and smiled at her untill he swung away looking for someone to eat. Vennus felt sad watching him leave well atleast he said he'll be back. Vennus didn't wait long she got a fright from him appearing behind her saying Boo "Vennus:Don't do that! You scared me." Venom brought her closer to him and nuzzled her face "Venom:Aww Nibble it's cute when we scare you~" Vennus pouted in response which just made Venom chuckle. Vennus wanted to do more things with Venom since she is wide awake. Eddie woke up to seeing Vennus happy standing infront of him. Venom morphed back into Eddie knowing he is awake "Vennus: Hey Eddie."

Eddie was confused untill Venom explained everything that happened when he was asleep "Eddie:I see so now your both trouble makers? Going out behind my back hey?" Vennus had a mischievous smile on her face 'Venom:We we're hungry so we went out but Vennus wanted to tag along and so here we are.' Eddie was not happy with Venom and the fact that he brought Vennus into this to is also not good. "Eddie:We should go it's not safe out here" "Vennus:Eddie we're on a roof who on earth would go on a roof this late at night" Venom morphed out of Eddies shoulder "Venom:I would because it is peaceful on the roof rops." Vennus looked around hearing hooting cars then looked back at Venom "Vennus:Peaceful...?" Venom morphed around Eddie and made a tendril form out of himself and slither around Vennus pulling her right against him "Venom:Yes and we'll show you why." Vennus hugged Venom tightly as he jumped to the tall building next to the one they were on and he started climbing all the way to the top.

Venom gently stroked Vennus's cheek to let her know she can open her eyes and see what he means. Vennus slowly opened her eyes and was automatically stunned in awe seeing all the different lights in the city from the top of the building "Vennus: Wow." 'Eddie:I'm not very good with heights' Venom could tell in Eddies voice that he was uncomfortable "Venom: Heh It's funny how both you and Eddie don't like heights." "Vennus:Ye well we're ment to be on the ground not this high in the sky" Venom was about to say something else untill a plane started to fly by making him screech and his intire body ripple letting go of Vennus in the process as she slides down along with Eddie.

Vennus screams out of fear along with Eddie untill he grabs her hand as they fall down. Venom gains consciousness and morphs back around Eddie, he digs his nails into the side of the building making them come to a halt. Vennus looks up at Venom "Vennus:What the hell was that!?" Venom looks down at Vennus "Venom: I won't let us fall." Vennus felt Venom kinda consume her into his body with all his tendrils forming around her holding her closely to his chest. Venom made his way to the apartment and went inside, releasing Vennus as soon as he entered it.

Vennus slapped Venom across the face "Venom:Ah! What was that for?!" "Vennus:That's for dropping us down that building you worm!" Venom showed all his sharp teeth and let his tongue out angry towards Vennus but that angry expression soon faded with Vennus hugging him around his neck and when she pulled back she gave him a small kiss on his cheek. Venom had wide eyes from the sudden kiss, he has not had anyone or anything do that to him and he likes it a lot. Vennus pulled away from Venom and he looked at her face as if trying to find reasons "Vennus:And that's for everything else" Venom gave a small smile with a little lick to her nose before letting Eddie out "Eddie: Wow did that just happen or am I seeing things?" Vennus had a slight pink hue on her cheeks "Vennus: Your not seeing things and I Believe I deserve some information about Venom because clearly I don't know much." "Eddie:Okay well sit down and ask away." Eddie made coffee for the both of them and sat down next to Vennus on the couch "Vennus:Okay so what is Venom's weakness? And what is his kind called?" 'Venom:You guys called my kind Symbiotes. And weakness is certain sound frequencies and fire incase you forgot Eddie.' "Eddie:His kind is called Symbiote and his weakness is sound frequencies and fire" "Vennus:And that's all?" Eddie nodded while Venom morphed his head out of Eddies chest making tendrils out of Eddies arm and bringing her right next to them "Venom:That's better" Vennus giggled when Venom started to lick her playfully. Eddie laughed seeing her try to escape but Venom wouldn't let her go "Vennus:No please I'm ticklish hehehehe" Venom grinned and retreated back into Eddie 'Venom: I'm starting to really like her company Eddie.' Eddie smiles at Vennus who just hugs him around his neck "Vennus:Your so sweat especially you Venom your a Sweat Symbiote" 'Venom:Awww that's nice.' Venom makes his tendrils tighter around Vennus to let her know he can still hear her.

(to be continued)

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