Part 3 "Meeting Venom"

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Vennus woke up with a raging head ache she tried to find her bearings and what she noticed was she was in a bed and an arm rested around her stomach. Vennus panicked she turned her head and saw a sleeping Eddie Brock snoring softly in his slumber, Vennus thought he must of brought her to his place after what ever might of happened last night. She poked his nose and watched with a smile as Eddie moaned in his sleep making her giggled.

Vennus blushed as she noticed that Eddie hugged her closer to him which was unexpected as if he was pretending to be asleep so he can hold her closer to him but she could tell he was asleep. Venom chuckled softly to himself making Eddie move his arms around this Vee Vee human and pull her closer for a cuddle against Eddie. Venom struggles to hold back some laughter seeing her blush and could sense the awkward feeling radiating off of her. Venom so badly wanted to mess around with Vennus, make her scared and scream for mercy but Eddie wouldn't allow that and wouldn't agree with it either.

Venom was oddly feeling attracted to this Vennus and no longer had an urge to tear her limb from limb and eat her insides no matter how delicious and juicy they looked instead he found her more of an ally then an enemy besides Venom knows Eddie likes her it is quite obvious for Venom to know because he can read some of Eddie's thoughts and feel what he feels. Venom noticed Vennus was getting uncomfortable in the grasp of Eddie and decided to wake Eddie up in his hugging Vennus state just so he can laugh at Eddie.

Venom spoke in Eddie's head 'Venom:Wake up Eddie you slept long enough... WAKE UP!!!' Eddie shot awake from Venom´s shouting and immediately moved his arm away from Vennus "Eddie:I am so sorry I didn't mean to..." Vennus just hugged Eddie back just to keep him from stuttering his words "Vennus:It's okay Eddie It's fine... Good morning" Eddie hugged back with a smile "Eddie:Feeling hungry?" 'Venom:yes.' "Vennus:Oh you have no idea last I ate was yesterday morning" Eddie lets go of her and watched her leave the room. Eddie then had a sudden change to anger "Eddie:Venom if you try anything with her I'll make you suffer our next door neighbours music for 3 weeks." Venom growled and formed out of Eddie's shoulder looking right in Eddie's eyes "Venom:Now why would I want to do that to a human who is an ally to us. Besides I know how you feel around her." Eddie was now in slight panic "Eddie:What are you doing?! She'll see you." Eddie did a whisper shout at Venom who made his self visible and audible. Venom made himself vanish into Eddies back leaving with a sigh forgetting that Vennus would most likely run away and freak out.

Vennus clenched her stomach it growled loudly for food. Vennus even smelled bad aswell she was still in the same clothes she wore last night after being knocked out by some thief that tried to rob mis chen last night. Vennus still had to ask Eddie what happened last night but right now the only thing on her mind was food.

Venom chuckled at Eddies nervousness 'Venom:Why are you so nervous around Vennus you hardly know her although she is quite attractive but that's besides the point.' Eddie stopped looking at Vennus through his bedroom door way and raised his eye brow with a grin "Eddie:Oh so you do find her attractive like I do?" Venom stutter trying to find words 'Venom:I-a-a-sh- Shut up or I'll eat your head off' Eddie huffed in amusement that Venom likes Vennus as much as he does. Eddie walked out his room and heard something quite shocking for himself and Venom.

Vennus clenched her stomach as it burned in pain with a loud growl that followed. Eddie stood still starring at Vennus "Eddie:Uhhh when was the last time you ate Vennus?" Eddie asked with worry and slight laughter 'Venom:I never thought human stomachs can growl that loud she probably has not eaten in a few days' Vennus turned around embarrassed looking at Eddie who had more worry on his face when he could see her more clearly "Vennus:A few days I think but I ate a little yesterday for breakfast..." Eddie came up to Vennus and could see in better detail that Vennus is skinny she even smelled a little off but it was not so bad "Eddie:Damn Vennus you torture yourself you look like you haven't eaten anything nourishing in weeks." Vennus laughed slightly "Vennus: well it's hard living on my own you know, since my parents couldn't afford me anymore and threw me on the street like I was nothing." Venom couldn't help but feel empathy with Eddie for Vennus, she was a very sweet person so far since they have met her. "Eddie:So that's why I never saw you the next day in college... Your parents..." Vennus sighed "Vennus: I hate my parents for that they did I really do but I can't change the past they were smoking gamblers anyway. I mostly avoided them because they didn't really love me they just had me because they felt like it I guess..." Venom made a low growl in Eddie's head 'Venom: We must find her bad caretakers and eat their heads off!' Eddie agreed to what Venom said but they MIGHT be dead considering that when she was 15 years of age her father was 36 years old and her mother was 33 years old both drinkers and smokers with gambling.

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