Part 5 "Not Completely Awful"

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Vennus kept looking at Venom as he used small tendrils to open bars of chocolates and eats them one piece at a time. "Vennus:Ummm Listen I uhhhh... I was thinking..." Eddie turned his head to face Vennus that was sitting next to him on the couch. "Vennus: I would like to accept your offer in letting me stay here." Eddie tilted his head a little at Vennus and Venom looked at her with a toothy smile since he was still morphed out of Eddies shoulder. "Venom:Is nibble deciding to live with us?" Vennus cleared her throat "Vennus:Yes I am." Eddie got a feeling that Venom was going to do something after Vennus said those words and he was correct. Venom slithered his way to Vennus to see what she would do. Vennus flinched when Venom was right infront of her face "Venom:Why do you still fear me nibble you know I won't hurt you." Vennus was slightly fearful of Venom this close but she kinda knew he wouldn't eat her...right. "Vennus:Umm I guess it's just... I-I don't know" Eddie could see Vennus was uncomfortable and since Venom knew what Eddie was thinking and feeling he pulled back to not be so close to Vennus.

Vennus faintly smiled as she calmed down "Vennus: So I think I should get my few of things and bring them here... my place is not far from here." Venom took one last look at Vennus giving a small smile then vanished into Eddies body. "Eddie:Well its the weekend let us help you." "Vennus:You don't have to help me it is very little things" Eddie got off the couch and Venom made a tendril grabbing the keys off the kitchen counter into Eddies hand "Eddie:We decided that we're helping you whether you like it or not." Vennus sighed in defeat "Vennus:Alright you can come but don't expect anything good from there... if anything its actually worse there." 'Venom:Poor little nibble I feel bad for her like you do Eddie.' Eddie made his way to the door and opened it. Vennus stood up off the couch and made her way out the door.

Vennus felt nervous being next to Eddie as he held her hand with a smile across his face while they walked to her apartment Venom made small tendrils form out of Eddies hand that held Vennus's hand wanting to hold it aswell but he retreats his tendrils back into Eddie. Vennus went up the stairs with Eddie following behind her once they got to the door Vennus opened it and walked into a very empty looking apartment. Eddie was shocked to see what her place actually looked like and Venom was aswell 'Venom:I can see why she accepted the offer... This place is rekt.' Eddie faced Vennus who looked depressed and empty "Eddie:Is this really where you lived? For all these years." Vennus nodded yes looking down at the ground. Eddie was about to comfort her with a hug but she didn't know he was and turned around going into her bedroom 'Venom:Ouch get rejected...' Eddie mentally growled at Venom.

Vennus packed her little bit of stuff such as clothes well kinda all of her basic needs really. Eddie only saw 2 bags and they were not that big either 'Venom:Looks like she was not kidding at all...' Eddie grabbed the biggest one and hung it over his shoulder "Eddie:Shall we?" Vennus gave a small smile to Eddie and nodded yes "Vennus:I hope you have a spare bedroom because I ain't sleeping next to that parasite friend of yours" 'Venom:Hehehe wait what? ... HEY!' Eddie felt Venom make a tendril but Eddie stopped it just in time "Eddie:No Venom play nice" 'Venom:WE ARE NOT A PARASITE!!' "Eddie: Please don't call Venom a Parasite he doesn't like it." Vennus grinned suddenly losing all her fear that she had for them. "Vennus:Oh ye and what's he going to do about it?"

Venom was now pissed off he formed around Eddie and held Vennus in a firm grip "Venom:Do you want to find out? Well to bad you don't get to say yes or no." Vennus squeaked as Venom picked her up and broke out the nearest window and climbed up to the building roof top. "Vennus:Ah No Stop PLEASE I'm Afraid Of Heights!" Venom made a growl of pleasure knowing that she doesn't like heights oh hohoho Venom is going to have some fun.

Vennus was now being hanged on the edge of the building by her ankle that is held by Venom´s hand "Venom: Awww is our nibble scared? Don't worry I won't drop you for now hehehe" Vennus was now furious with Venom she was now trying to grab the hand holding her "Vennus:Give me your arm!!" Eddie didn't protest in any of this, this was all Venom could hear from him 'Eddie:Is she seriously trying to get your arm...' "Venom:Yes she is and it's quite funny" 'Eddie:Hahahaha I think she wants to bite you.' "Vennus:Give. Me. Your. Arm!!! Must. Bite. It!!!" 'Eddie:Bwahahahaha!!' Venom laughs then shakes Vennus slightly "Venom:I'll only put you down if you apologise." Venom says with a wide smile and Vennus gives him narrowed eyes "Vennus:No." Venom huffed then dropped her hearing her scream. Venom quickly grabbed her and lifted her up he could just see the fear in her eyes "Vennus:Okay I'm sorry, I'm sorry for calling you a parasite! Please put me down!" Venom grew in satisfaction at her pleading for mercy "Venom:Good now lets get your things to our place then do something fun." Venom pulled Vennus onto the roof and let her go.

Vennus stood up but immediately felt hugged and flew off the building edge where she just stopped hanging from. Venom held tightly around Vennus as he jumped down the building then swung back into Vennus's apartment. Vennus now looked like a wild mess she turned to face Venom but witnessed him crawl into Eddies skin. Vennus panted slightly from the screaming she made and from her heart racing from fear. "Vennus:Why are you laughing? Stop it." Eddie coughed to stop his laughing "Eddie:Okay heh lets go-ho." Vennus felt happy she oddly felt happy and she didn't even question it.

Once the 2 got back to Eddie's place, Eddie took Vennus's stuff and put it by the bedroom door. Vennus plopped onto the couch with a sigh "Vennus:I've never been so happy to sit on a couch before." "Eddie:Ye well we're gana be sleeping there and you'll take my room for now since I don't got a spare bed room." Vennus gave Eddie a raised eyebrow "Vennus:Hell nah I'm keeping this couch take your smelly man cave back I don't want it." Eddie acted offended by putting his hand on his chest with a gasp 'Venom:Hah! I like her staying already!' "Eddie:I am offended ma'am! How dare you." Vennus chuckles "Vennus: Couch is mine go away looser." Vennus says playfully as Eddie just had his mouth a gap now while hearing Venom laugh 'Venom:Hahaha she got you good' "Vennus:Oh your friend counts as one aswell since he is inside you." 'Venom:F*ck.' Eddie laughs. Vennus gets comfortable on the couch and Eddie sits on the other side of the couch turning on the tv 'Venom:Eddie I want to be next to Vennus. Do I have your permission?' "Eddie:It depends what you want to do though." Vennus raised a curious eyebrow at Eddie 'Venom:It's not bad...' "Eddie:Okay go for it."

Venom morphed his head out of Eddies shoulder and slithered his way onto Vennus's lap with a sigh of relaxation, as he closed his mouth and eyes he felt Vennus slowly stroke his head making him do this soft type of growling purr. "Venom:Please don't stop it is nice." Vennus giggled as she continued stroking his head "Vennus:You know for a para- I mean ummm what ever you are..." Vennus lets out a nervous laugh as Venom lifts his head to face her "Vennus: Your not completely awful." "Venom:Why thank you Vennus. I'm starting to like you more already" Vennus smiles while Venom goes back onto her lap so she can continue stroking his head. Eddie moved closer to Vennus and put an arm behind her on the couch earning a smirk from her with a raised eyebrow. "Vennus:Are you trying something?" "Eddie:No not at all." "Venom:Stop lieing Eddie" "Eddie:I'm not." Vennus rolls her eyes then just slouchs a bit into Eddie "Vennus:Whatever your lucky I like attention"

(to be continued)

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