Dana Vaughns

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Year: 2022

I'm walking home from the coffee shop I sat in for literally 6 hours studying for finals.Senior year of college is such a pain in the ass. It was 2 AM already. It was raining hard, and stupid me, I didnt have an umbrella. Carrying 4 textbooks, 2 binders, and 5 huge notebook in my backpack, I hurried to my apartment. On the way to my apartment, there is a dance studio. Surprised, there was someone inside. I look through the clear glass window and see a tall light skinned African American dancing his heart. I was getting so mesmerized looking at his sharp and graceful moves. Distracted and being my clumsy self, I drop all my books on the ground and hit my head into the glass window. "Ow!" I yelled. The tall African American turned to the window and saw me. He ran outside and helped me up. I was now all wet falling into a puddle. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I was so lost in his deep chocolate eyes that i was saying words that didn't make sense. "I-m ohtay soruy i whas clums-" I quickly shut up. "Sorry," I said finally, blushing. I picked up my boks and see him help me. I accidently touch his hand. "I'm sorry,"he said. I didn't move my hand for a while. I quickly realize what I was doing and pulled back my hand. "Thank you. Uhm, I'm sorry for staring. Your moves were just really graceful and so sharp and you remind of someone I know," I said. He smiled, " No problem - uh what's your name?" "I'm Amber, you?" "Dana," he replied. "Dana Vaughns the Second' he said, winking. Right when he said his name, my jaw dropped. "D-Dana V-Vaughns a-as in I-IM-5 Dana?" He gave a small smile. "Yup that's me. I'm guessing you were a fan," he replied. "What you do mean WAS a fan? I AM a fan and always will be!" I was secretly fangirling but tried to keep it in. He looked sad. "I'm sorry..." I said. "Uhm this may sound weird but do you think you can help me carry my textbooks to my apartment, I live a block away and I've been walking for 20 minutes with them and my arms are killing me." He gave a chuckle. "Sure, let me close up and get my jacket." He came back three minutes later and we started to walk towards my apartment. It was a quiet walk but inside my head, I was jumping up and down like a fucking idiot. We went up to my apartment and I opened the door. It was a small studio with a brick wall with a small balcony. I absolutely love it. He looked amazed. "Woah, nice studio." I smiled, "Thanks! You can leave the books on the table. Make yourself comfortable! I'm going to go change into some dry clothes.' Dana walked around the studio. He immediately went straight to my music corner. I have a piano keyboard, a guitar, a ukelele, a record player, a giant book case full of CDs and a bean bag chair. I also had pictures of concerts I went to. He skimmed through the pictures I had on my wall and saw a picture of his 16 year old self with me standing next to him and Cole. I smiled. "That's one of my favorite pictures of you guys. It was at Bay Teens Fest on September 13, 2014. It was my first time meeting you guys and I was a nervous wreck that night," I said. He didn't say anything. "Dana? Are you okay?" He turned around and took off his snapback. Tears were rolling down his face. "I miss- I miss them so much. So much has passed in such a short time period. Gabe getting married and having a child, David passing away..." I ran and hugged him. "It's okay. Let it all out." I said patting his back. He slowly started to kneel down on the ground. He cried and pulled me in tighter. I then pulled away from him lifted his chin. I then start to wipe his tears away and smiled. "Dana, you've been through so much already. You've kept it in for so long. Sometimes, it's okay to cry. Sometimes, it's okay to talk to others about it. You don't need to suffer your pain alone anymore." He looked at me and slowly got closer to my face. We both leaned in and crashed our lips. It was a long, sweet kiss. I pulled away and blushed. "What was that for?," I asked. He replied, "For everything you just said in the past 2 minutes." he chuckled. Oh, his smile is so hot as ever. "Yes, Amber, I know my smile is contagiously sexy," he said, smirking. Shocked, I said, "DID I JUST BLURT THAT OUT?" He started laughing. "Yes, yes you did" He gave me a peck on my cheek. "But it's okay, because I think your smile is contagiously sexy, too." He winked. My face starts to grow red. I got up and held my hand out, signaling him to get up. He grabbed my hand and I helped him up. "I wanna show you something." He followed me and I opened the doors to the balcony. It was still dark, being 4 AM. But yet, the city of Los Angeles was beautifully lite up. "I come out here sometimes early in the morning and wait for the sun rises. It shows me that everyday will be a new day. And if I had a bad day, I know that it's just one bad day, not a bad life," I said. "You know, you alone had saved my life back then. In middle school. I was bullied and I used to cut every day. I felt useless and wanted to commit suicide. Music was my only escape from the world back then. I found you guys on YouTube one day.. and I fell in love with you instantly. Your voice, your sweet, contagious smile, your humbleness towards others. Just everything. Thank you. For everything you have done. Without you and the band, I don't think I would be standing here with you. You are truly my Superman." Dana started to tear up again. He said nothing but hug me. We stood like that for about 10 minutes. I broke the hug and went back in. I sat down at my keyboard and started to play Superman. It was my favorite song of IM5. "sticks and stones may break my bones," I sang. "But your words break my heart" "I'm not as strong as you think I am, I'm no superman..." he sang along. As I finished the last note of the song, he hugged me from behind. "Hey Amber?" "Yeah" "I know this may sound weird because we just met just a few hours ago, but will you be mine?" I turned around. "What?" I asked. "Will you, Amber, be my beautiful girlfriend?" he said. I gave him a small kiss on his lips. I smiled and went back playing the piano. He whispered into my ear, "So I'm guessing that's a yes?" I simply nodded.

*A few hours later*

I'm still up studying and I see Dana sleeping on my bed. I slightly chuckled and slipped under his arms and faced him. "Hey Dana? I dont know if you can hear me, but I'm glad I'm a clutz and dropped my books." I gave him a kiss on his forehead. He smiled.


Awww, Amber and Dana are together (:

Hope you guys liked it! Who am I writing about next? I wonder... (:

Instagram: @willjayisbeh

Twitter: @vivianphxm

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