Gabriel Morales

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Year: 2024 

After such a long day of nursing school, I'm pooped. I was so tired, but I had to go to work. Working at a children's daycare is so fun, but tiring because you're literally just running around with kids, but then again- I am a little kid trapped inside a 25 year old body. I quickly grabbed lunch at one fo my favorite spots, Lemonade. I went up to cashier, "Hi, can I get a California Mixed Greens, with a side of Ahi Tuna, with a Blood-Orange lemonade." I quickly paid for food, ran out the door and drove to the daycare. 

I arrived at the daycare, sped inside before Ingrid, the secretary could see me. I crept under her desk and then I heard, "Rosaline." Oh shit, I'm caught. I stood up from crawling. "Heeeeyyy Ingrid, how are you?" I said in my sweetest voice. "Your'e late. Again." she replied sternly. "I'm sorry Ingrid! I promise I won't do it again!" She smiled, "Okay, okay. Go on now. Your room for today is room 3. There's a new child inthere and I want you to keep and eye on her." "Okay, I'll see you later!" 

I love Ingrid, but she can be a bitch when she wants to be. I open the break room and quickly eat my lunch. After, I went to room 3. All the little kids ran up to me. "Ms. Rosie! Ms. Rosie is here!" I gave them a giant group hug. I absolutely love my job. I then noticed a little girl in the corner. "Okay, kids! Go to your teachers, I'll play with you ina little bit!" The room was full of "Aww Man!" and "Yes Ms. Rosie!" I walked up to the girl and sat down with her. "Hi!" I smiled at her. She looked up and gave a small smile. "Hi.." she whispered. "Are you new here, sweetie? What's your name?" She nodded, "Rosie.." "My name is Rosie,too!" I gave her a big smile. She looked down at her feet. "What's wrong, Rosie?" "I m-miss my Uncle David..", she replied. "What happened to him?" I asked softly. "He died... But he was a hero." she gave a small smile. "I love him so much," she continued. "Well, you know what Rosie? Your Uncle David is looking down at you and saying "I love my little Rosie so much!" She gave me a hug. "Thank you Ms. Rosie. I love you." I chuckle and patted her head. "I love you too, Rosie." 

As the day ended, Rosie's father came to pick her up. "Mr. Morales, I would like to talk to you for a bit please." He looked concerned. "is something the matter? Did Rosie do something bad at school today? Did she-" I cut him off. "Sir, it's nothing like that." "I tunred to Rosie. "Rosie, dear, can you please go play to Mrs. Ingrid while I talk to your daddy?" Ingrid's face lit and she nodded. "Come on, Rosie. Let's go play on the swings!" Ingrid said. Rosie smiled and followed her. I sat Mr. Morales down. "Mr. Morales-" "please, call me Gabriel." "Okay, Gabriel, I want to talk to you about this Uncle David.." His face turned white when he heard the name. He looked down. "W-What about David?" "Well she said her Uncle David passed away and this may be the reason why she's been so down lately. Sir, I do not believe that it is healthy for a 5 year old like her to be sad." 

He sighed and took off his glasses, and rubbed his temples. "David isn't actually Rosie's uncle. David was in a boy band with me and 3 others. Together we were IM5." My jaw dropped at "IM5". Back in my high school years, IM5 was life for me. I guess you could say, that I wasoverly obessed with thefive of them. And here I am, sitting across one. THE GABRIEL MORALES. I quickly closed my mouth and pretended to not know who or what IM5, I mean, I need to keep my inner fangirl in. I nodded and he continued, " Do you remember that bombing inccident in L.A? Wel, he just came home from the army a year before. He was in that building for some business work and that's when the bombing happened. He saved so many lives that day... I just wished that he didn't lose his life that day..." I couldn't keep it in. Tears were streaming down my face. "But you could as least thank him, thank him for saving many lives that day. He did such amazing things even before that. He was an amazing dancer, and an even more amazing singer. You five kept my head up all through high school. You five kept a smile on my face even on the foggiest and saddest days. You five were- no are my heroes. There is not a day where I don't remember you guys. Yes, you may have spilt but in my heart, you five are still together." I wiped his tears away. "So more crying, okay? Promise?" Still surprised that I was a fan, he nodded. He then stood up, and called for Rosie. "Rosie! Come on sweetie! Let's go home!" Rosie comes running towards her father. She notices that her dad and teacher was crying. "Mrs. Rosie, Daddy, why are you two crying?" We both looked at each other. "Well Rosie, you daddy and I were-" "We were crying of laughter!" he cut me off and looked at me. I nodded and forced a laugh. "Haha yes, your daddy was telling me some funny stories!" She looked confused but shrugged it off. "Okay! Let's go daddy!" She pulled her father and as they left, Gabriel turned and mouthed "Thank you." I simply nodded. 


Aww Poor Gabe ): 

Cole is next! Thank you for reading! <3 

Instagram: @willjayisbeh

Twitter: @vivianphxm

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