Cole Pendery

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Year:  2025

*this is kinda like a journal entry, btw* 

It's been 4 years since I graduated college with a BA degree in English, and here I am, at a club with one of my many party people "friends", Jenn. I mean I don't drink or smoke (okay maybe a beer or two sometimes but never more than that), I just like keeping her company. But surprisingly (not really) , she had a few "errands" to do at the club tonight. "I'll be back in a hour or so! Promise!" she yelled before she went into one of the rooms in the back with one of her "clients". It bothers me that she sells her body like that, but I can't judge her. Even though I've told her so many times to not do so, she ends up doing it. Whatever, as long she pays her side of the rent, I'm not tripping. I may sound like a bitch, but I couldn't care less about others these days, I lost my respect towards the world after my favorite boy band disbanded. I wasn't always this cold and careless. In high school I was your typical fangirl of IM5, but after I graduated high school, they disbanded. It broke my heart and also my love for music. I never felt the same after. That may sound a little too much but IM5 was my everything, Cole Pendery was my everything. Anyways, I'm sitting here in the club ,writing this, sitting alone, waiting for Jenn to come back.

*I get a tap on my shoulder* 

"You here alone?" a voice behind me asked. 

I turned around and scanned at the man. Usually I hate when people try to hit on me, because I always end up throwing them across the club with my feet but he didn't seem like he was going to try any soon. He was a dirty blonde, a bit scruffy ( I find it hot) and well built. He reminded me of someone, but I couldn't remember who. He points at the stool next to me. "Mind if I sit next to you and keep you company?" I shrugged. "I guess, I don't really care." He pulled the stool, sat and waved at the bartender. "Aye what's up bro? Lemme get a beer-" He looked at me. "And for the miss?" "I don't drink, can i get a glass of water please?" Looking confused, the bartender nodded. He came back with a glass of water for me and a bottle of beer for the man. 

"So." he started. "What's your name?" He gave a genuine smile. "Michelle" I replied. "But you can call me 'Chelle' or "Mish' or whatever. "Mish.... That's cute" he said, winking. I gave him no interest. "Thanks." I turned back and put my journal back in my bag. "What's that?" he asked "Nothing you need to know," I barked. He raised his hands, "Okay, okay. I'm sorry." I felt bad. "I'm sorry, I just have too shit on my mind right now." He smiled. Dammit these smiles are killing me. "It's all good." 

Right when I was about to say something, the DJ interuppted and stopped the music, "HEY HEY HEY! HOW YALL DOIN?" The crowd roared of yells and whistles in reply. "NOW NOW I KNOW YOU GUYS LOVE PUMPED UP MUSIC BUT I HAVE A SPECIAL FRIEND HERE, AND HE'S GOING TO PERFORM A SPECIAL SONG TONIGHT! AND I SEE HE HAS A SPECIAL FRIEND WITH HIM. NOW, GIVE IT UP FOR... COLE PENDERY!" The spotlight shined on the man sitting on next to me. I turned around. "Wait. YOU'RE COLE PENDERY. COLE PENDERY AS IN IM5 COLE PENDERY." He smirked, "I'm guessing you were a fan. Then you should know this song." He dragged me, throwing my bag to the bartender, signaling him to watch it for me. "Wait- what are you doing. Dude, let me go!" "No way, Mish. Please sing with me." His hazel eyes were so distracting. I looked, "ONE SONG." 

We arrived on stage and the DJ gave Cole a guitar. "Can you play?", he asked me. I nodded and he gave me the guitar. "What song are we playing?" I asked. He whispered to me, "Heartless." I nodded. I was glad he picked my favorite song. Wait- what the fuck am i even doing? I hate music, it ruined my life. Cole noticed that I was upset. He took my hand and squeezed. "You'll be fine." I nodded. The crowd quieted down as i play the first notes. I started the song, 

"I'm as bad as you want me 

The side of me you'll never miss

But, I promsie I don't need saving,

'Cause I'm just trying to save my own skin" 

I signaled Cole to sing the next part. 

"I always show her nothing but the finest

And all she shows me is where the exit sign is

So baby, if you fall for me, don't ask for mercy please.

I won't crash again." 

We finally finished the song and the crowd went wild. I smiled. 

"MICHELLE YOU WERE AMAZING! YOUR VOICE AND YOU PLAYING THE GUITAR, THAT WAS AM-"  I leaned for a kiss. He kissed back and it was a good 30 seconds. I pulled back and gasped for air. I blushed, realizing what I did, and we were still on stage. People were staring. I put the guitar down and ran. I ran in the pouring rain and went in the nearest alley and sat in the dirty puddles of water. "I'm so stupid," I thought. "If you keep sitting here, your'e going to get sick, Mish." I looked up and saw Cole standing there. "I'm sorry.." I said. "Why are you sorry?" He pulled a crate and sat in front of me, he lifted my chin up. "You really are something, Michelle." He pulled in for a kiss. After many minutes of making out, I pulled out of the kiss. I laughed, "You do realize that I was your biggest fan and that we're in a very dirty and stinky alley right now, right?" He chuckled, "Yes, I can see that." He got up and held out his hand, "Come on. Let's go get your stuff and we can go to my place to wash off." I nodded and went back inside.


This chapter is so awkward lol idk why. Sooo Will will be the next and final one ): 

I hope you enjoy my writing, even though I know it's not that good. 

Instagram: @willjayisbeh

Twitter: @vivianphxm

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