David Scarzone

395 6 5

Year: 2020

My shift was supposed to end 10 hours ago. There are so many patients today due to the huge bombing incident in the morning. I didn't care if i wasn't going to get paid for working late, I'm a doctor, my job is to help people those who are in need. I feel like a superhero.

I rubbed my eyes and slap myself in the face to wake myself up. I go grab my 4th cup to coffee and drank it as one of the nurses came up to me with a concerned face. "Hey Aimee, this one is a bad one." I quickly put my coffee down and followed her. As I walked into the patient's room, my jaw dropped. Yes, I'm used to seeing gun shot wounds, tons of blood, and broke bones every day but this man, he was all of it in one person. "can't hear properly due to being so close to the location of the bombing, left eye and leg is gone, 3rd degree burns from pulling people out of the fire, and a huge wound on his right side." the nurse informed me. I looked at him, he had his eye closed. "What's his info?" I asked her. "Name is David Scarzone, 24, just got home from the army about a year ago, lives at-" I cut her off. "Did you just say his name is David Scarzone? DAVID. SCARZONE." Confused, the nurse answered, "yes...?" My eyes start to tear up but I turned around facing the patient. "I'll take it from here," was all I said. "yes, Doctor.." the nurse said. She closes the door behind her. I looked at David's lifeless body. I haven't heard that name is a long time. In my highschool days, I was obsessed with the band IM5. I was devasted when I heard they disbanded. Its been 3 years.. I slowly brushed his hair. It's gotten so long. I smiled and started to sing softly. " No i just listen to my heart less, my heart less, Oh I broke it one too many times. Now I just listen to my heart less.." He opened his eye and smiled. "I see, that you were a fan." I was startled. "D-Did you h-hear m-me sing?" He nodded. "You sang beautifully." He then choked and blood was coming out from his wounds. The heart monitor was beeping louder and faster. "Shit," I mumur. "JOYCE! I NEED SOME HELP IN HERE! HIS WOUNDS ARE TOO DEEP! HE'S NOT GOING TO MAKE IT!" 5 nurses came in. "WE NEED TO JUMP START. NOW!" I was panicking. usually I;m so calm but it's different. This is Daivd. One of the 5 who saved my life back then with their voice. I can't let him die here. "DAVID I NEED TO STAY WITH ME!" I started to jump start. "CLEAR!" Nothing. I did it again. "CLEAR!" I turn to the heart monitor, he was barely hanging on. "Te-tell the b-boys that I-I l-love then..." "NO! YOUR'E GOING TO TELL THEM YOURSELF. YOU ARE NOT DYING ON ME. NOT NOW. NOT EVER. CLEAR!" This time, the heart monitor has a constant long beep. It was over. He's gone.. "FUCK. DAVID DON'T GO." I lowered my voice.. "Don't go..." Tears were streaming down my face. The nurses took as a sign to leave.. I sat beside him, crying for about an hour. I stood up after and went outside. "Joyce, I need you to 5 phone numbers. I need William Jay Behlendorf, Dana Vaughns, Cole Pendery, Gabriel Morales, and Dalton Rappatoni. Please." Joyce quickly found the number and started to dial up the first number. "No," I said. "I'll do it."

I called Will first, he picks up. "Hello this is Will Jay, Whom am I speaking to?" "Hello Will, This is Doctor Aimee from the Summit Hospital in Los Angeles." "Hello, did something happen?" "Mr. Behlendorf... I'm s-sorry to i-inform you but one o-ofyour old b-band members has passed away. It was David Scarzone. I would like you-" "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN HE'S DEAD?! I JUST TALKED TO HIM A MONTH AGO. HE CAN'T BE DEAD." "Will, I need you to calm down and come down here. I would like to speak all 5 of you, personally, please." "Okay. I'm coming in about 5 minutes." I quickly hung up and slammed the phone on the table. "I have to go through that 4 more times?" I mumur.

I then called Dana, Gabe, Cole, and then Dalton. They all had the same reaction as Will. Soon ,they were all at the hospital. " I NEED TO TALK TO DR. AIMEE. NOW." I heard someone scream my name. Startled, I ran, following the voice. The voice soon became 5. I knew it was them. I stood there and looked at them. 5 pairs of eyes were on me, looking at my white coat, which was covered in blood. I took it off and handed it to Joyce. "Follow me.." The five of them followed and I lead them to David's room. He was there, with a white sheet covering his face. I started to cry. The others joined me. "Can i see him?" Cole asked. I nodded and lifted the sheet up. That's when Dana started to kick the walls and threw everything down to the ground. "Dana, stop," Gabe said. "NO.

DAVID'S DEAD AND WE COULDN'T ANYTHING ABOUT IT. HE'S GONE, GABE HE'S GONE." Gabe slapped him. "I KNOW HE'S GONE. BUT WE ALL NEED TO STAY CALM." "Calm?" Will joined in. "YOU EXPECT US TO STAY FUCKING CALM WHEN ONE OF US IS DEAD?!" He pushed Gabe down to the ground. "Why did you do that, Will? Calm down, Will. It's okay." Dalton said. "WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE DALTON. YOU FUCKING LEFT US BACK THEN. COMING BACK ISN'T GOING TO GET YOU ANYWHERE." The four were just barking at each other. Cole stood there, not wanting to get in. "ENOUGH! THE FOUR OF YOU NEED TO SIT THE FUCK DOWN AND SHUT THE HELL UP!" I yelled. The room got quiet. "I know you guys are mad, sad, angry, devasted, pissed of.. I am, too. I was a fan of you guys since 2012. You guys saved my life back then from depression, and cutting. I don't want to see al six of heroes fighting." I start to cry again. "David.. he passed away. but he ended his life doing something that had a huge impact on that bombing. He saved over 100 lives today. I-I miss him as much as you guys do. Before he died.. he wanted to let you guys that he loves you all deeply and forever. May he rest in peace." The room was once silent.


I literally cried writing this T-T I'm going to do Dana next! (:

Instagram: @willjayisbeh

Twitter: @vivianphxm

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