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Born behind a broken shack,
Where the father had been cursing her to be her.
Where the mother had been crying over her birth.
Where the relatives had been taunting her with their words,
But Oh World! She can't even infer.

Grew up behind the slum locale,
Smiling and choking on the burning flame.
Cooking for those brutish humans,
Cleaning their shits all over.
But Oh World! She can't even haul over the coals.

Married to a garbage owner,
His rag was full of dirt, yet he thought of himself as the king.
Deadly nights she had spent beside his bed,
Where brutally she was beaten and thrust in wildly.
But Oh World! Now she can't even love.

Yet traps couldn't cage her for long,
She escaped her doom one day.
Out again in the dark world,
She saw all girls being hit with the same.
But Oh World! Now she can't even breathe.

That broken Beatle is now your jury,
Putting you up where you'd belong to.
Her heart is stone now,
cause she doesn't listen to your sufferings anymore.

But to all the girls out there,
she has been a mother in the role.
"Get up, you have a lot to see"
"Get up Girl, you aren't just a branch in your family tree."

But Oh World! Can't you just see?



Dedicated to all the Queens out there.


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