Headcanon (2)

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Welcome to another headcanon which the ideas LITTERALLY popped in my head at 5 am. EnjOy... And comment your fav.


1- If Catman cries, EVERYONE would go hunt down the person who made him cry and make them pay. Then, the band would get anything Catman wants without him needing to pay his own money. Catman uses this to full advantage.

2- Don't try to talk to Demon when he's just woken up. The band had to learn that the HARD way. They talked to him when he just woken up and got burned alive by the Demon, then admitted to a hospital. The excuse was they all 'accidentally' burned themselves in a fire breathing practice.

3- How to make Starchild cry is easy. All you gotta do is draw and cut out a picture of a star, then call him and tore the paper off in front of him. The Ankh Warrior is who he would run and cry his eyes out to, considering the band, and The Fox, laughed about it. Vinnie beat the living souls out of them, and they've never bothered Starchild since.

4- Demon's made-up real name is Gene Simmons.

5- Starchild's made-up real name is Tommy Thayer.

6- Spaceman's made-up real name is Ace Frehley.

7- Catman's made-up real name is Eric Singer.

8- The Ankh Warrior's made-up real name is Vinnie Vincent.

9-The Fox's made-up real name is Eric Carr.

10- They all don't really fear anything except.... FANGIRLS.

11- When Catman sleeps, NOTHING could wake him up, not even loud noises or water or even them beating him up! Everyone wonders how he still live to this day.

12- The Fox once drank coffee that was freshly made on the table. He when hyperactive and crazy. Everyone learned one thing- NEVER let The Fox near coffee under ANY circumstances.

13- Demon is special. He is know to set the whole kitchen on fire when he was CUTTING AN APPLE.

14- Demon would destroy the kitchen every time he cook. The whole band never lets him near the kitchen again.

15- Spaceman is actually a crybaby. He doesn't let anyone knows this.

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