day two

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((had to do a real quick edit in the last chapter. but at my school, you can take both physics and chemistry at the same time, so that's why I changed it to that. anyway, here's the next chapter.))

The bell rang shrilly for the start of sixth period, signifying that it was almost the end of the day. Everybody was so ready to get out, so they could go home, do their own thing. Some kids had to work, but that was okay too. Even work was better than school.

Lance's feet dragged as he made his way into his Physics class. God, he was so tired. Maybe when school was over, he'd- oh, crap. He groaned as he remembered that he had detention after school. Again. He plopped down in his desk, right next to his best buddy Hunk. Hunk glanced over at him. "Doing okay, Lance?"

"Not quite," he muttered, dragging his hand down his face. "Buddy, I'm so tired. I got no sleep last night."

"Why?" Hunk sounded concerned.

"Doing that assignment for Slav."

"Ah." Hunk nodded wisely and patted Lance on the back. "Don't worry, Lance. One more class and we're free."

"Not quite," he said. "Detention, remember?"

"Oh yeah.." Hunk sighed and sat back a bit. "There's football practice today.."

"Aren't you gonna get in trouble if you miss it?"

"I hope not. I talked to the coach about it today durning lunch and he told me that since I didn't do anything really bad, it was okay. But I'll have to make it up when this is over."

Lance slowly nodded. "That's good, Hunk... what about Allura's cheerleading practice? You gonna miss seeing her in uniform?" He gently nudged Hunk in the side with a teasing grin.

Hunk blushed faintly. "I'm sure she can't go either. And besides, it's only for two weeks."

"Maybe if you're lucky, she'll wear it for you anyway," Lance said distractedly, watching as Pidge walked in.


"What? It's true, she might!" Lance grinned at him. "She's my cousin, you know that, right?"

"I know," Hunk said, letting out a long suffering sigh. Lance clapped him on the shoulder just as their teacher walked in the room. A substitute teacher this time, a lady. Inwardly, all the detention kids groaned, since they knew that this lady was gonna be there during detention too. Just great.


The teacher, Mrs. Anderson, had a plastic bin on the corner of her desk and a stern expression on her face. The side of the bin had tape on it and was clearly labeled as 'PHONES' in big block letters. It was perfectly obvious what it was there for. By the time Lance got into the room, there were already four other phones in the box. One of them had a sparkly, pink, glittery case. Another one was just a plain yellow case, one with a plain red and black one, and the last one had... little frogs with umbrellas on the case?

Lance looked up at the teacher. "What's this for?" he asked.

"Phones," she replied, dryly. "If you'd read the label, you'd know."

"I did read it," he said. "I'm just confused as to why it's here."

"Because you aren't allowed to have your phones in here," Mrs. Anderson said slowly, as if she were talking to a child and not a high school student. Lance scowled a little bit.

"But we're always allowed to have our phones in here."

"The fact that you know this is concerning all on it's own," she said. "Put your phone in the box, Mr. McClain." Lance huffed, but put his own phone, which had a blue case covered in shark stickers that his little niece had put on there, in the box. He and Mrs. Anderson glared at each other for a few long moments, and then Lance spun around on his heel and took his seat. "Now then," she continued, looking at the five discontented students. "We're in here until 5."

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