day six

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please read author's note at the end of chapter

It was Monday.

Already, things were off to a sucky start. Lance had been late to school since his alarm didn't go off and his mama didn't wake him up, and also his sister stole all of his socks and he couldn't find any and spent about 15 minutes traipsing through the house in search of socks. He found some to wear in the end, but they definitely weren't his socks. It was already rough and it wasn't even 9:30 yet.

And to top it all off? It started raining. Raining! So when Lance arrived to his literature class, he was soaking wet, very late, and wearing pink frilly socks. He gave the teacher his late pass, trying to ignore her disapproval, and made the walk of shame to his desk. He groaned as he sat down, and Hunk was giving him a look of concern. "Hey man, are you okay?" he asked quietly.

Lance looked at him. "Yeah, I'm fine," he said. "Just... the morning's been rough, man."

Hunk smiled sympathetically. "I'm sorry, Lance."

"Nah, I'll be okay.."

"Boys, do you two have something you'd like to share with the class?" The teacher asked. She seemed annoyed.

"No ma'am."

"Then please stop talking during the lesson."

"Yes ma'am."


By the time 6th period rolled around, Lance felt exhausted. In many ways. He had almost fallen asleep at lunch. But at least his clothes had dried off, and Allura told him that she liked his new sock choice. Lance did appreciate it, but he could tell that Keith was trying really hard not to laugh.

The bell rang for the start of class, and Shiro took attendance. He allowed his students to call him just Shiro, mostly because he knew his last name was impossible to pronounce. It was fine. But it was only about 5 minutes into the class when things got worse. Assistant principal Iverson walked into the classroom and quietly spoke to Shiro for a minute while the class did a worksheet. Shiro cleared his throat. "Lance? You need to get your stuff and go with Mr. Iverson."

Lance looked up, brows furrowed, as the class 'ooh'ed' and muttered about what the infamous Lance McClain had done to get in trouble. Lance gathered up his stuff and nervously followed Iverson out of the classroom. His friends worriedly watched him go.


Lance did not arrive at detention. At least, he didn't arrive on time. It was about 10 minutes in before he came into the room, looking somehow both disheartened and also pissed off. He even slammed his backpack down beside his desk and sat down.

"Lance?" Shiro asked, sounding mildly concerned. "What happened?"

"Iverson's being a dick, that's what happened!"

"What did he do?" Pidge asked. Everybody leaned forward in their desks to look at him.

Lance just huffed, running a hand through his hair. "Okay, so. Apparently they found this huge ass mess in the gym. Like, shit everywhere and clothes all over the place and the shit in the lockers was gone... also, not to mention that all of the showers and the sinks were running, so it was nearly flooded. Naturally, they all assumed it was one of us. But you all had alibis and were seen in class by teachers. Who was the only person not seen until 4th period? Me."

"So Iverson put the blame on you?" Hunk asked. Lance nodded a little, rubbing his face.

"Yeah. And he wants to suspend me for it, too! Even though I told him multiple times that I didn't do it!"

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