day seven

205 15 5

It was game day.

The entirety of Altea High was pumped up and ready for the game- it would decide if they went to state or not. And they really wanted to go to state. In fact, nobody wanted to go to state more than star quarterback and football captain Hunk Garrett. It was like a short term goal of his, despite having taken their school to state once before. That had been when he was a sophomore, and now he was a senior, so he had had time to practice and get even better. And practice he did. A lot. So worth it.

The only person who wasn't very excited about the game was Shiro, but that's only because it was the night before his wedding and he was kind of stressed about it. So was Keith, but that's just because he had to live with them and was the best man.

Regardless, Hunk was ready for the game. There was only one other person who was just as excited (if not more than) as him, and that was his girlfriend, Allura. Allura was a cheerleader- head cheerleader, to be exact. She lived for cheer, so it was really no surprise that she was pumped for the game as well. And she wasn't stereotypical like the other cheerleaders. She wasn't mean or shallow, but she was very beautiful, and of course, she was dating Hunk. Which... okay, that was kind of stereotypical. They laughed about it a lot, the two of them. It was kind of ironic, really, that they would date.

Neither of them were exactly the first person that somebody thought of when they thought of 'football player' and 'cheerleader'. Hunk, even though he was a phenomenal football player, was also a member of the engineering club and he worked at his grandmother's bakery as well as an auto shop downtown. Allura was a member of National Honors Society and the debate team. Academically, they were both gifted as well.

("Really, Hunk, it's unfair," Lance had whined to him once. "How the hell are you so good at everything, buddy?")

Hunk just supposed that naturally, they would have met at some point. And how they met was actually pretty funny. It was in freshmen year. Hunk had broken his foot and Allura had just gotten out of surgery for her previously broken ankle. They were both put on the bench with their casts on, and they started talking. The rest, as they say, was history.

Three years later and they were still going strong. It was great, and everything that Hunk had ever wanted in a relationship. That day, during detention, Shiro had just basically let everybody off early after marking that they were all there. Besides, he had wedding stuff he needed to finish doing, and Hunk had some last minute practice to go to before the game. Before he did, though, Allura gently interlaced their fingers together. "Hi," she hummed.

"Hey," Hunk said, smiling softly at her. "What's up?"

She simply smiled at him. "Just wanted to wish you good luck today at the game, that's all."

"Well thank you, I appreciate it." He gently tugged her closer, and she smiled, leaning up to gently brush their lips together.

"You gonna win for me?" she murmured.

"I'm gonna try," he said. She giggled, softly, and finally pressed their lips together.

"Good. I believe in you. Now, good luck."

"Thank you." She gave him one final kiss, and then she left, presumably to head on home before the game. Hunk smiled softly as she left and headed out to the field to practice.

He did some stretches and such before he started practicing. He ran around the field and tossed the ball around some. By the time he was finished, he was drenched in sweat and the rest of the team had already arrived and they started to do team drills and such. They were all ready and hyped up for the game. The rest of the team started practicing as well, and with that done, they headed to the locker room to get dressed.

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