day three

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special thanks to renateki_chan for helping to inspire this chapter! and also- thanks (to everybody, lol)  for 800 reads already!!


The detention crew usually sat by themselves during lunch. After all, despite how popular Hunk and Lance were, being sport jocks and all that, the five of them were a pretty tight-knit group of friends, and so they usually sat together, at their own table. It was a nice set-up. Comfortable. It worked for them.

"Where's Keith?" Pidge asked, flopping down in her usual spot next to Lance. She threw down her lunchbox and leaned against him.

Lance shrugged a little, talking around a mouthful of peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "He's with his boyfriend."

"Ew, don't chew with your mouth open," Pidge groaned. "And- when did he get a boyfriend?"

"Not too long ago, I think it was just a couple of weekends ago."

"He's awful," Allura cut in, from where she was tucked against Hunk. "Keith's boyfriend is vile." She calmed down once Hunk gently rubbed her arm, despite still casting a glare at a table across the room, whose inhabitants did absolutely nothing to deserve her wrath.

Lance leaned closer to Pidge. "He was Allura's ex," he whispered. Pidge nodded in understanding.

"Right..." she said. "And, who is this guy, again?"

"Some prick named Lotor. He goes to Marmora Academy," Lance explained.

"Ah... so Keith skipped out on lunch to probably go suck faces with his boyfriend?" Pidge stole a couple of Lance's fries as she spoke.

"Probably. Also, please never call it 'sucking faces' ever again."

"Well that's what it is, ain't it?"

"No. No it's not. It's kissing," Lance said. Pidge rolled her eyes at him and stole another one of his fries. "But... yes. Probably."

"Ew," Pidge said, with the level of grace that only Pidge could have. She then turned to Allura. "Hey, Allura..?" The other looked up at her. "If Lotor really is so bad, you should warn Keith. Guys like that don't really change."

"I know," Allura said. "I'll tell him today at detention."

"That sounds like a good idea."

"But he may get defensive. Lotor... he's charming, I'll give him that. He knows how to twist people into thinking he's a great guy. But... I'll do my best."

Their table fell silent after that, because nobody wanted to think about their friend getting hurt.


When the final bell rang for the end of the school day, everybody was tired. But probably the tiredest of all, was Shiro. After all, the poor man was still getting over being sick from the day before. He really shouldn't have even been at school (as his fiancé Adam has so graciously told him over the phone during his lunch break), but he knew he had to be there after the fuss that Keith had put up once he got home. Besides, Shiro had things to get done anyway, so detention would be a good time to get them done. Or, so he hoped.

Usually, everybody was in the classroom by 3. And nearly everybody was, except for one person. "Where's Keith?" Shiro asked. The other 4 students looked at each other for a few seconds, then back at Shiro. Nobody wanted to make their teacher mad, most of all because they knew Keith would never forgive them. But then again, Shiro was Keith's older brother... it was really just the principle of it all. "Well? Do any of you know?"

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