Save Her

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Optimus turned at the all too familiar call. Agent Fowler walked into the room, and slammed his hands on the railing.

"Agent Fowler, what seems to be the problem?"

"The problem, Prime, is that there has been no recent Decepticon activity."

"And is that such a bad thing?" Ratchet snapped.

"Well, it's obvious they're planning something. Have you bots taken any precauti...WOAH WHAT IN SAMS HILL IS HE DOING HERE?!?!" Agent Fowler's eyes widened in surprise as the seeker walked in to the room.

Starscream growled.

"Seriously? Again?"

"Agent Fowler, Starscream has strayed from the Decepticons, and joined us." Optimus explained.

"And you didn't think to tell me about it?!?!"

"Surprise?" Starscream plastered his best fake grin on.

"Prime, this time, you've gone too far."

"He will be under my close watch at all times, do not worry."

"Yes, it'll be as if I were one of those tiny earth wolves tied to their owners hand." Starscream shuddered.

"You mean a dog on a leash."


"Ok, Prime, I trust you on this, but if anything goes wrong, you better hope your red and blue paint job I don't call the pentagon." Fowler nodded once, and started back towards the elevator.

"Agent Fowler, why don't you stay here and get acquainted with Starscream."

"Can't. I am in my way to Manhattan  to check up on a certain Agent of the department of Interstellar relations." He glanced at Miko and Jack. "You remember Vogel?"

"Vogel?! Yeah, the sweeper dude." Miko said.

"Oh, yeah how is he?" Jack asked.

"He's fine, I go up to check on him every once in a while, and today is one of these check ups."

"W-well tell him we said hi." 

"Will do" Fowler stepped into the elevator.

"And I don't need to get aquanted with Screamer over there, I already did." He shot a nasty glare at the seeker. "Chained up on the Decepticon Warship."  The doors shut, and he was gone.

It seemed like this was happening too much too often.

He stared at them, they stared back. No one moved, no one spoke. The dark silence of the room carried on. Cullen remained unconscious. Then, without warning, Soundwave took a step towards them.

More towards Knockout.

"Stop right there, 'Con." Arcee held her blasters up, defensively. Soundwave paused, and held his servos up high, showing he wasn't going to fight. Arcee disregarded them. He took another step, and shot at him. He dodged it, and one of the tentacles shot out and wrapped around her arms, holding them down.

"Let me go!" She struggled against the tentacle, which seemed to get tighter. She whimpered slightly in pain, and it loosened slightly. Soundwave started towards Knockout again, when Steve jumped in front of him.

"You shall not pass!" He exclaimed, boldly. One glare, and he stepped aside, shaking. Soundwave crossed the space between himself and Knockout so fast, he didn't have time to react before he was backed up against the wall.

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